SoOsc FmP


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Mar 2008

Gulfstream owners club [GS]


Shards of Orr (Forgot my perma) sc
this build was put together in ToA by me and zesty a lot of help testing and improving with ToA and mainly GS, now its mostly used in GS as far as i know, but if u guys check it out and like it, that can change, first of all as the name says there are no permas involved in the build, or assassins at that, the team build is 2 dervish, 2 roj monks 1 sos rit 1 defense rit, UA and 1hp necro. THIS REQUIRES NO CONS, however for speed and what not i like using a full set on the 3rd floor.
the play style is the same as the pre nerf roj, assign one dervish to primary tank, hes the one who takes aggro, runs to casters, i usually go for wizards, the brutes then come to that dervish and things should be mostly balled, thats when the 2nd derv comes in to block and everyone does their damage. before the dervish runs in, make sure either prots or spirits are up, pref both, but 1 of those usually are enough to keep him alive. the bip spams shouts, and bips all the casters, focusing on the ua and rit lord the most. ymlad on the bip is for defense and also for fendi as well as finish him.
here is a screen of us in 3rd lvl we usually do under 19 min, between 17 our record and 19 our avg.

here are the templates
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gYmUgZGVmZW5zZSBza2lsbCBmb3Iga2QsIGFuZCBmaW5pc2gga GltIG9uIEZlbmRp<



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Feb 2008

Denver, Colorado

Reign of Judgment [RoJ]


Replacing Rit Lord with Soul Twisting eliminates the need of BiP'ing the Defensive Rit and insures that your spirits have 100% up-time. Have you experimented with that skill yet, and if so, why did you decide on Rit Lord?


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Mar 2008

Gulfstream owners club [GS]


rit lord or soul twisting both work, it doesnt show here, cuz its a screenshot, but under the comments for the rit lord i put there that soul twisting works, the reason rit lord is up there, is cuz it works fine, some people run soul twisting its pref choice.

i should also add that u should think of these builds like its open source, cuz it kinda is, but any tweaks u wanna add on go for it, weve successfully run this without some pve skills on some chars, it still works, just slows the run down.

Essence Snow

Essence Snow

Unbridled Enthusiasm!

Join Date: Nov 2009



Thank you for sharing! Kind of like the fmp thing....denotes humor and

? About the 1hp Bip crucial? Does it die often during the run?



Grotto Attendant

Join Date: Mar 2006

"Pre-nerf" is incorrect. It's pre-buff.

Requirement Begins With R [notQ]


It looks solid but wouldn't Melandru dervishes be more appropriate? The monsters spam most conditions alongside blind, your armour will be +24 from IAU and your damage will be holy from Aura of Holy Might.

It would free a slot and your secondary profession for something like Dash, Death's Charge or Wild Blow.
the bip is needed yes, as long as he stays behind the casters he doesnt die 2 much, stay away from traps and disease, all the casters builds have no energy management to speak of, we tried this without the bip and with propper energy management, but this was more efficient.

Originally Posted by makosi View Post
It looks solid but wouldn't Melandru dervishes be more appropriate? The monsters spam most conditions alongside blind, your armour will be +24 from IAU and your damage will be holy from Aura of Holy Might. we tried melandru, its 2 energy costly to keep up, balth adds armor and speed and is reasonable to keep up. all the damage comes primarily from the enchants, and then ur scythe skills to clean up, wild blow wouldnt really be necessary, if u do everything right, the monsters blow up fast.

but like i said, feel free to try things with this.

didnt wanna add a new post to bump this up, but soul twisting has been working better on the rit lord