I've been digging through my characters and consolidating inventories and the like, and noticed that I wound up with a full storage pane full of various minipets.
This is entirely unacceptable to my clutter-hating personality. To that end, I'm putting them on sale. I've got representatives of most white minipets from years two and three, capable of checking on request, selling most of them for 5-8K each (All undedicated)
I also have the Year Two Gold Pets, one of each (Lich Lord and Water Djinn), Selling them for 50 and 30k respectively. These are also both undedicated. I'm willing to bump off 10K from the total price if both are bought at once.
Also have a couple purples (Burning Titan and two Kirins off the top of my head), selling at about 8K and 2K respectively. As are all my products, these are all undedicated. I think I've got a fire imp somewhere too, but need to double check my inventory before I can say for sure.
Sales will go at stated price Or Best Offer in the case of the purps and golds. I'll try to keep you all updated as best as I can
Al's Minipet Blowout Sale!
I'll offer 20k for the water djinn
pm if interested
Kanwulf The Viking
pm if interested
Kanwulf The Viking