1. Green Rot's Putrescence req9 soul reaping (bleached skull skin) SB 2k BO 5k
2. Amulet of the Mists BO 5k
3. Gold Ancient Scythe req 11 with zealous mod BO 6k SOLD ingame
4. Blue Copperleaf Shield armor 15 req 8 mot SB 10k
5. 80 Wintersday Gifts +15 Winter Gifts SB 10k
6. 7 Deldrimor armor remnants, BO 15k each or 75k for all
7. req9 Sunqua Blade noninscribable, +15% in stance, with +20% enchant mod BO 8k
8. Unded Celestial Tiger BO 50k
9. Flame artifact req only 8 fire, inscribable BO 50k
10. 5 stacks of dust BO 17k
11. Dagger handle 30 hp BO 1k
12. unded mini Lich BO 30k
13. Gold Holy branch req9 divine favor HSR 20 all and HCT 20 for divine fav spells not inscribable SB 20k
Already sold in this thread:
Zodiac staff req9 channeling HSR/HCT 20/10 for all spells not inscribable SB 15k SOLD to undead91 for 9 ecto
Light equipment pack (10 slots) SB 5k SOLD to MYSTAKE for 10k
119 shamrock ales BO 10k SOLD to Princess Blades, tyvm

(omitting items sold ingame)