Rites of Saul



Forge Runner

Join Date: Jan 2009

Wroc??aw, Poland

Midnight Mayhem


the following transcription is based on a play that took place during the MantleCon 2010, d2.
original script.

i am aware this is fan-fiction. if you are not, let me clarify it: THIS IS COMPLETELY FAN-MADE and has no lore impact in-game.
i post it here to show it to majority of members. move it to an appropriate, fan-fiction subforum in a few days.

great job guys!

"Rites of Saul" or the rise of the Shining Mantle
by Karuro Silvershot
as narrated and presented by Malchior Devenholm
and performed by: and performed by: Shemp The Absent as Ithaqua Zhar, Fire Ghost Killer as Malchior Devenholm, Grek The Hammer as Lord Sethiroth, Ambitious Elemental as the Peacekeeper, Wire Angel as a peasant, Safran Derkanan as a peasant, a group of Charr

Narrator: Our story begins with a dive into the past.
Our Lord and Savior, Saul D'Alessio, was but a man low on his luck. Kicked out of Kryta he was. Into the threacherous jungles. Not the best place for a drunk to end up. With all those spiders and centaurs.
Yet here he met the Glorious Unseen Ones, who patched him back to a... higher rank in society.
This angel of gold approached him and said:

Mursaat: No more are you a mere bum!

Narrator: And so, Saul was no mere bum anymore.
No, now he was a bum wearing clothes made of the finest linen and gold!

Saul: Praise the Unseen Ones!

Narrator: After Saul returned with his tale of the Unseen, many joined him to fight together against the threat from the North.
The Charr.

Saul: Citizens of Kryta. We must act now!
Unite under my banner and together, we shall defeat the Charr!

Narrator: Later that week, Saul and his men ventured through the night to fight against the charr.

The Charr: We are the Charr! We will kill you now!
[act ferocious]

Saul: No, foolish feline. It is US that shall kill you!

Narrator: And so, Saul and his men took out the entire invasion army! But at a cost.
Many lives were lost, and so was Saul's.

Saul: Alas, I have been slain! Tell of my tale to my followers!
Let my teachings about peace and brotherhood not be lost!

Narrator: Saul taught us that we should fight together as brothers in arms. But Saul's meaning was lost through the years. And some meddling kids and their moa murdered Justiciar Hablion after the Chosen incident.

Hablion: I could've gone away with it if it weren't for you-BLARGH!

Narrator:...our heroes then killed the great Demagogue!

Demagogue: i was the stronge--BLARGH!

Narrator: And turned Confessor Dorian into a phantom!

Dorian: Well, this isn't so ba--OMG WHAT ARE YOU DOING WITH MY CORPSE?!

Narrator: The highest in leadership who took up Dorian's position only made it worse.

Confessor Isaiah: So I had this great idea!

Thommis: Tell me about it.

Confessor Isaiah: Let's hire whatever is left of Verata's cult and those bandits from Ascalon as Peacekeepers!

Thommis: You go do that. I'll rage about my brother with those Stone Summit dwarves.

Narrator: And so the White Mantle was swung to the bottom of the devourer pit. But there was a shining ray of hope!
And, luckily for them, it wasn't a Ray of Judgement!


Narrator: A small group banded together inside the White Mantle. A group who couldn't agree with the direction their guild was going to. Especially after last week's incident...

Villager: Oh, woe is me! The harvest has gone bad and I only have enough to feed myself!

Peacekeeper: Pardon, ma'am, but I see you got some cabbages there.

Villager: Who are you?

Peacekeeper: We are the Peacekeepers of Kryta. The Unseen Ones have told us you are hiding Shining Blade members. We suspect the Shining Blade is disguised as those cabbages.

Villager: No! What are you doing?! My harvest! Give it back!

Peacekeeper: Ma'am, either give us the cabbages or we will chop your head off!

Villager: ...

Peacekeeper: Silence is golden!

Narrator: Our heroes could not approve of these acts! There Peacekeepers were turning the Mantle into a criminal underground organisation. Our heroes would not let this continue - this was against Saul's teachings!
What is the best way to achieve peace? What about the Unseen Ones?
It was time to make a choice.

Lord Sethiroth: It is time to make a choice!
We either continue as thugs in the White Mantle or join forces with those who share our goal. We must strive for peace.

Ithaqua Zhar: What do you mean?

Malchior Devenholm: I agree. Conflict can be no more!
[stands up] We shall find allies! We shall put an end to this criminal empire!

Monk: But the Mantle is not fit to lead. Corruption is deep inside their brows.

Malchior Devenholm: No, my brother. The Mantle obeys but they do not lead. We need someone else who is set on their goal. We need someone who desires peace. We need someone who acts like Saul did.

Warrior: Yes. Let us unite with our Krytan brothers. Fight for peace. For the Queen!

Malchior Devenholm: Then we shall head west. I have a contact of the Shining Blade waiting for us to make negotiations with.

Narrator: They arrived at the designated meeting spot. There was no need for talk. The intentions of both parties were clear: a confused man cannot pick a single side.
So why a man can not benefit from both?
This is what it means to find peace. The White Mantle is no more for this group of outcasts. From this day on, this group became legends.
The Shining Mantle. A name that regains the glory of the old days. A guild whose brotherhood is stronger than never before. Krytans who have bound together to find peace.
All hail the Unseen and their blessings. All hail Saul and his teachings. And all hail the Queen, who shall return peace to our nation!

The end.

Lord Dagon

Lord Dagon

Desert Nomad

Join Date: Jul 2009

Inside the Oblivion Gate

The Imperial Guards of Istan[TIGE]


very nice

Malchior Devenholm

Malchior Devenholm

Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Nov 2005

The Dragon Arena!!!

Pshycho Ninjas [oGod] | Vent Rage [vR] | Zealots of Shiverpeak [ZoS]

For district 2, the actors were...

Shemp the Absent-Ithaqua Zhar
Fire Ghost Killer-Malchior Devenholm
Grek The Hammer-Lord Sethiroth
Ambitious Elemental-Peacekeeper
Wire Angel & Safran Darkanan-Peasants

Also, here is the original script by Karuro Silvershot.




Forge Runner

Join Date: Jan 2009

Wroc??aw, Poland

Midnight Mayhem


thanks, filled the blank spots.



Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Apr 2008

The Netherlands, Europe

Mystic Spiral [MYST]


(Woo, multi-board posting)

And here I was thinking to delete the pedro page and give it some nice graphical designs on a new one /pout.

The Play in ID1 was slightly different due my own interference of PMing the lines, the actors adding lines themselves, participating myself as Charr & Isaiah (Thommis was scrapped, alas. So it became narrator text) and having a Moa as Saul for example.

Fun nonetheless, hope ya'll enjoyed the play~
(And I hope someone recorded it in ID1)

As for the roles in my dis:
Liston Worrek: Saul, Dorian
Sightkeeper Seleon: Mursaat, Monster, Peacekeeper
Raminus Spellflame: Malchior, Hablion
Simol Taneous: Zhar, "Hero"
Dutch Sunshine: Sethiroth, The Demagogue
Sora Wingedshot: (Accidental Female) Villager, Blade Member
Karuro Silvershot: Narrator, Charr, Isaiah
Kicked out: Thommis, isn't it sad?

Added notes on the webpage though.