q8 +5e Oni Blade, q8 10/10 prenerf Zodiac Staff, 3 ded Grawls
Mid Nighty
*** Closed by MidNighty ***
Devil Luca
25e on 1 grawl
IGN: Devil Luca
IGN: Devil Luca
Ghost Fighter il
30e on Oni Blade
ign Ghost Fighter
ign Ghost Fighter
Mid Nighty
Bump, please regard s/b and avoid lowballing.
Mid Nighty
Bump, added b/o
S/B on Zod Staff
IGN:Ultima di Orifiamma
IGN:Ultima di Orifiamma
since no ones bidding on the oni blade i thought id throw a bid out. i know its low but im a poor player that always liked that sword ^^ so 100e is my offer.
ign: ash silverdeath
ign: ash silverdeath
Mid Nighty
I already had enough offers on the Oni Blade, this is the second one which is for sale. So pls understand that I won't consider offers below the s/b, thanks.
Btw: Bump
Btw: Bump
35e zodiac
IGN = Mrs Morphium
IGN = Mrs Morphium
Mid Nighty
Daily Bump ...
Mid Nighty
Daily Bump ...
Mid Nighty
Daily Bump, without further offers I will sell the Zodiac tomorrow for c/o.
60 ecto for both grawls, wht u think?
40e on Zod Staff
IGN:Ultima di Orifiamma
IGN:Ultima di Orifiamma