PC Various Golds


Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Apr 2010

Absolutely Flawless [aF]


I have a few golds I would like to price check:

1. Ebon Shadowblade of Defense (non-inscribable)
Earth Damage: 15-22 [Req. 9 Swordsmanship]
Damage+15% [While Enchanted]

2. Plagueborn Staff of Defense (non-inscribable)
Halves Skill Recharge of Spells [Chance: 20%]
Fire Damage: 11-22 [Req. 11 Fire Magic]
Halves Casting Time of Spells [Chance: 10%]

3. Shocking Crested Machete of Defense
Lightning Damage: 15-22 [Req. 10 Swordsmanship]
Inscription: Guided By Fate
Damage +15% [While Enchanted]

4. Vampiric Half Moon of Defense
Piercing Damage: 15-28 [Req. 9 Marksmanship]
Life Draining: 4
Health Regeneration: -1
Inscription: Guided By Fate
Damage +15% [While Enchanted]

5. Idol of Fortitude
Energy+12 [Req. 10 Blood Magic]
Inscription: Riders on the Storm
Armor+9 [vs. Lightning Damage]

6. Ornate Buckler (old school, non-inscribable)
Armor:16 [Req. 8 Tactics]
Health+44 [While Enchanted]
Armor+6 [Vs. Tengu]

7. Tattooed Scimitar (purple)
Slashing Damage: 15-22 [Req. 9 Swordsmanship]
Inscription: Dance With Death
Damage+13% [While in Stance]

8. Crippling Spiked Recurve Bow of Defense
Piercing Damage: 15-28 [Req. 10 Marksmanship]
Lengthens Crippling duration on foes by 33% [Stacking]
Inscription: Let the Memory Live Again
Halves Skill Recharge of Spells [Chance: 9%]

9. Adept Hypnotic Staff of Shelter
Halves Skill Recharge of Spells [Chance: 20%]
Chaos Damage: 11-22 [Req. 9 Illusion Magic]
Halves Casting Time of Illusion Magic Spells [Chance: 19%]
Armor+7 [vs. Physical Damage]
Inscription: Don't Fear the Reaper
Damage +19% [while hexed]



Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Apr 2010

Absolutely Flawless [aF]


Bring Up My Post

Eli Scrubs

Eli Scrubs

Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Mar 2006

Merch/Salvage 3, 4, 5, 7, 8, and 9.

About 5-7k for 1

Actually not sure about #3 but I feel like its an unwanted skin.


Desert Nomad

Join Date: May 2006

2 - 3-5k
4 - 1-3k
6 - although it's r8 and max, oldschool, I don't see that low tengu mod helping with the price; perhaps 5-10k for a collector, can't be sure.
7 - 1-3k or merch due to purple rarity
9 - 3-5k

Merch/salvage the rest.