Zodiac Hammer with Rare 15/Degen Inherent Mod and other oddities


Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Nov 2005

Yada Yada [Yada]


All items are old format, meaning they are not inscripable. Any help with pricing any of these will be appreciated, thank you.
(Image renders are property of ANet and are only supplied to help identify skins used.)

Furious Zodiac Hammer of Fortitude
Blunt Dmg: 19-35 (Requires 10 Hammer)
Damage +15%
Health Regeneration -1
Health +30
Double Adrenaline gain (Chance: 10%)

Edit: This hammer is not vampiric at all. The stats are typed in exactly as is - the Health regen is part of the inherent damage mod: 15%/-1 Health Regeneration.

Sundering Cleaver of Fortitude
Slashing Dmg: 6-24 (Requires 8 Axe Mastery) NOT MAX
Damage 15% (while Health is above 50%)
Armor penetration +20% (Chance: 20%)
Health +30

Multiple attribute weapons -
Not perfect stats, but perfectly strange.

Storm Artifact (Purple)
Energy +10 (Requires 8 Air Magic)
Halves skill recharge of Domination Magic spells (Chance: 17%)
Healing Prayers +1 (15% chance while using skills)

Defensive Raven Staff (Purple)
Energy +10
Fire DMG 11-22 (Requires 9 Divine Favor)
Halves casting time of Communing spells (Chance: 18%)
Halves skill recharge of Blood Magic spells (Chance: 18%)
Armor +4
(Note: This Raven Staff has not been modded whatsoever from drop stats- I have a +1 Death Magic (20%) on hand for instance, that could be added to it for extra weirdness, or more practical mods could be applied.)

Dark Dmg: 11-21 (Requires 9 Blood Magic)
Halves casting time of Curses spells (Chance: 19%)
Halves skill recharge of Death Magic spells (Chance: 19%)



Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Sep 2008


tbh i would merch them its very unlikely people will buy them most arnt max anyway

**edit** if u add a vampiric mod to that hammer it will be dual vampiric and a PVP player might want it**



Furnace Stoker

Join Date: Apr 2005

is that Raven Staff gold? If yes then it's a quite interesting item for collectors for one more reason than just being a 4-profession staff - 18% HCT Communing on Golds dropped for only a short time BEFORE release of Factions, after Factions started the lowest HCT on golds became 19%.

6-24 cleaver - salv mods and merch (way too low dmg)
storm artifact - focus items cannot drop with 3 professions anymore so may have some value as an oddity item despite being so low stats.
truncheon - normal drop nonmax crap, nothing unusual = merchsell


Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Nov 2005

Yada Yada [Yada]


Added (Purple) notes next to appropriate items and note about the hammer.


animal fighter

animal fighter

Forge Runner

Join Date: Dec 2009

buying shields w/ armor vs animals

Animal Fightas Inc [?????????]

hammer maybe 10-20k, two handed vamp weapons are useless/not wanted. merch the rest but somebody might buy the raven staff and truncheon. probably not for much though.