Hello all, I'm putting the following items up for sale to clear out space and (hopefully) make some extra $ towards a new set of duds for my sin. *Please note* Prices I have listed are b/o only. All gear listed are golds and are maxed unless noted. ALL the mini's listed are Unded. Leave your offers here or contact me in-game on: Tierlaan Gau or Serine Shadowstep
Furious Highlander Blade of Swordsmanship req. 10
dbl adrenaline 10% Insc. "Vengeance is Mine!" 20% - 4k
Fiery Twin Hammer req. 10 17-33 dmg (not max)
insc. "Don't Fear the Reaper" 19% - 2k
Sunder Caged Short bow of Fortitude req. 11 mark
Armor Pen 20%, 29 hp, Insc. Dance with Death 15% - 4k
Defensive Plagueborn Staff of Enchanting req communing
1/2 skill recharge 18% +10 energy 11-21 dmg (not quite max)
Reduce Disease duration by 20%, Armor +5
Enchants last 19% longer - 1k
Upgrade Parts:
Scythe Grip of Fortitude (+25 hp) - 1.5k
Cruel Scythe Snathe - 500g
Dagger Handle of Fortitude (+20 & +22 hp) - 1k ea
Sundering Dagger Tang (12% chance) - 600g
Spear Grip of Fortitude (+22 hp) - 1k
Hale Staff Head (+15 hp) - 700g
Staff Wrapping of Enchanting (10% longer) - 400g
Axe Grip of Fortitude (+20 hp) - 1k
Sword Pommel of Fortitude (+25 hp) - 1.5k
Sundering Sword Hilt (11% chance) - 600g
"Strength and Honor" (10% with over 50% health) - 300g
Koss - 9k
Kirin - 3k
Temple Guardian - 300g
Abyssal x2 - 7k ea
Fungal Wallow - 300g
Harpy Ranger - 4k
Jade Armor - 300g
Cloud Touched Simian - 5k
Aatxe - 4k
Misc. Stuffs:
Birthday Cupcakes x30 - 300g ea
A Few Items & Mini's for Sale
Tierlaan Gau
35k on Jora if UNDED
the mordiego
the mordiego
Queztal Sly
Krait Neoss
5k ea on these
IGN Kingg Ghost
Krait Neoss
5k ea on these
IGN Kingg Ghost
Tierlaan Gau
Just a quick Bump.
Tierlaan Gau
Another quick bump.
Tierlaan Gau
Bumparoo once more
Tierlaan Gau
Bump, added some stuff and dolled up my first post =D
Tierlaan Gau
Bump'd....and such!