A Few Items & Mini's for Sale

Tierlaan Gau

Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Apr 2010

Hello all, I'm putting the following items up for sale to clear out space and (hopefully) make some extra $ towards a new set of duds for my sin. *Please note* Prices I have listed are b/o only. All gear listed are golds and are maxed unless noted. ALL the mini's listed are Unded. Leave your offers here or contact me in-game on: Tierlaan Gau or Serine Shadowstep


Furious Highlander Blade of Swordsmanship req. 10
dbl adrenaline 10% Insc. "Vengeance is Mine!" 20% - 4k


Fiery Twin Hammer req. 10 17-33 dmg (not max)
insc. "Don't Fear the Reaper" 19% - 2k


Sunder Caged Short bow of Fortitude req. 11 mark
Armor Pen 20%, 29 hp, Insc. Dance with Death 15% - 4k


Defensive Plagueborn Staff of Enchanting req communing
1/2 skill recharge 18% +10 energy 11-21 dmg (not quite max)
Reduce Disease duration by 20%, Armor +5
Enchants last 19% longer - 1k

Upgrade Parts:

Scythe Grip of Fortitude (+25 hp) - 1.5k

Cruel Scythe Snathe - 500g

Dagger Handle of Fortitude (+20 & +22 hp) - 1k ea

Sundering Dagger Tang (12% chance) - 600g

Spear Grip of Fortitude (+22 hp) - 1k

Hale Staff Head (+15 hp) - 700g

Staff Wrapping of Enchanting (10% longer) - 400g

Axe Grip of Fortitude (+20 hp) - 1k

Sword Pommel of Fortitude (+25 hp) - 1.5k

Sundering Sword Hilt (11% chance) - 600g


"Strength and Honor" (10% with over 50% health) - 300g


Koss - 9k

Kirin - 3k

Temple Guardian - 300g

Abyssal x2 - 7k ea

Fungal Wallow - 300g

Harpy Ranger - 4k

Jade Armor - 300g

Cloud Touched Simian - 5k

Aatxe - 4k

Misc. Stuffs:

Birthday Cupcakes x30 - 300g ea



Furnace Stoker

Join Date: Sep 2007

Pozna??, UTC+1

We Are From Poland [Pol]


35k on Jora if UNDED
the mordiego


Jungle Guide

Join Date: Dec 2006




Queztal Sly
Krait Neoss

5k ea on these

IGN Kingg Ghost

Tierlaan Gau

Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Apr 2010

Just a quick Bump.

Tierlaan Gau

Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Apr 2010

Another quick bump.

Tierlaan Gau

Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Apr 2010

Bumparoo once more

Tierlaan Gau

Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Apr 2010

Bump, added some stuff and dolled up my first post =D

Tierlaan Gau

Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Apr 2010

Bump'd....and such!