Favorite Resurrection Skill?



Jungle Guide

Join Date: Apr 2007

Great temple of Balthazar


Originally Posted by Jeydra View Post
Why are you putting UA on a healing / prot Monk ... Hybrid = Woh generally /rolleyes



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Mar 2008



Originally Posted by Cuilan View Post
I see Rebirth, Resurrection Chant, and Flesh of My Flesh more than Resurrect in ZM PUGs. I want to be in your PUGs. (OK I admit it I'm biased, the bars with Resurrect stick in my mind more because I hate the damn skill, so it probably just seems like a large proportion of people run it. Mainly necros with Flesh Golem, fire eles with no elite and/or no attune and/or missing atts, and monks with non-standard builds...)



Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Mar 2010

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Res Shrine .



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Mar 2010



For general NM PvE (wich means with H/H), i have other preferences.
I dont like Flesh Of My Flesh, the caster looses half his/her health.
I prefer ressing during battle, i party wipe less then.
Therefore i (on my heroes) do not use res skills that give 25% health and no energy.
That indeed leaves the Touch res skills.
Wich yes, may put Monks at risk when they use it.
But i havnt noticed that becoming a problem sofar for NM PvE.
For NM PvE i havent had to use the concept Frontliner/Midliner/Backliner yet.
Therefore other skills recommendations can be implemented.


Forge Runner

Join Date: May 2008

Originally Posted by JDRyder View Post
Hybrid = Woh generally /rolleyes OK, let's try ...

Why are you putting UA on a non-Smiting Monk?



Forge Runner

Join Date: May 2008

East Anglia, UK

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Renew Life and Restore Life are favourites. Rebirth is my least favourite, even Vengeance beats it in my books. Flesh of My Flesh and Signet of Return are great on frontliners too.

Bitoku Kishi

Bitoku Kishi

Academy Page

Join Date: Jan 2006

Serenity of the Night [Moon]


I like UA the best by far, but that's supposed to be a little unbalanced because it's an elite, and you're obviously not going to use that except on a monk.

So for general use, I like Flesh of my Flesh the best. Mainly due to the lack of recharge, I've found it the most useful for resurrecting people quickly and effeciently in PvE. I find the health drain tends to be negligible in most cases, especially on ranged characters, where you're typically not being beaten on a lot anyway, and running around with a health cut for a little bit isn't really a big deal as long as you're good at evading damage.