Update - Wednesday, April 21, 2010
Ariovist Lynxkind
I still am hoping for a meat-shield title...
To Chicken To Die
I wonder how long it will take for them to run out of mini's to make. Sure, there are quite a few monsters not represented yet, but many monsters share the same skin, or are so close that it won't look any different. I wouldn't be happy to see them start making a Mini Caromi Warrior, Mini Caromi Wild, Mini Caromi Ranger, etc. as though they aren't exactly the same, they are so close it would be stupid to make them all. So how many years worth of mini's will there be before they need to start adding new monsters or give something different? Will the game be around long enough for that to be a problem?
Given that my oldest character is nowhere near as old as my account, yeah, I'd applaud that. I used to delete characters pretty often because of having only 4 slots before Factions.
Bob Slydell
I'm sorry you don't like it but I do. You imply that skill is greater then expierence over time played. It's silly. So, someone just starting the game has a chance of being better than someone who has played longer, knows skills better, knows the overall game better because the new guy has better skill at the game? That's how I'm reading it. Must be different though I don't know and don't care to.
Bob Slydell
Yes which is what comes with playing the game longer than someone else. NOT ALL the time, but most of the time ... someone that's been around longer PROBABLY knows the game a tad bit better. Just sayin. Not aiming to offend anyone or anything.
Well, actually, you are speaking of time passed playing the game, not having it... what I mean is, a person who purchased a game 5 years ago, played one year, abbandoned it and restarted again 2 weeks ago, would know the game way worse then a person who purchased it 2 years ago and is still playing. Or a person with a 5th year old ele mule, who never (or almost never) played an ele (ofc, they would probably not be clueless about the prophession but still) compared to a person who played around for less but with ele as a main char. Experience is not equal to the number of months you can get by typing /age. Perhalphs I misunderstood on how you are wishing the title is added?
Skyy High
Up until the first few months, maybe a year if they're playing casually. After that, it all comes down to how much an individual wants to learn how to play better. I know I personally know a lot of people in my guild who are either content with being bad, or just don't know how bad they are, because they haven't improved in the ~two years that I've known them.