wts 15.500 party points

Rakka and the bird

Rakka and the bird

Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Aug 2007



*Mods Please close*
Wow, that was fast, sold all by pm within 15 minutes for 7e/stack! Go tonics! - the cheep way to get your party title!

Wts 15.500 party points

Price is 100g/pt

They're all tonics (31 stacks - 500pts/stack), I know some poeple don't like tonics, but it is by far the cheeper alternative! You save At Least 50g/pt compared to spammables, meaning that you save at least 25k on every stack, or a wooping 500k(!!) on your entire title! You'll never make anywhere near 500k on the time it takes to zone your title, so unless you too much money to count you should really consider tonics

Anyway, looking forward to dealing with you, I accept cash, ectos and certain 3rd/4th year minis (pm me if you wanna know which minis I need).

Currently: 0 stacks left.

GL&HF Guys