My ign :"rokamin desiderio" if not online try "Taisa Dreadlord"
alcohol is :100g per point
Sweet Points :150g per point
|##|Ectos - 14-> 100k |##|
500 hard appel ciders
5 flasks of fire water
63 shamrock ales
283 spiked eggnogs (250 already sold)
569 eggnogs
57 sugary blue drinks(sold)
5 vials of absint
6 yuletide tonics
4 witches brew
6 squash seruns
250 bunies (sold)
24 bunies
28 hunter ales
5 uniden gold units
all the booze u will ever need !
soul shaper
soul shaper
bump bump bump
MY ign is :rokamin desiderio
in on now just pm me !!!
MY ign is :rokamin desiderio
in on now just pm me !!!
soul shaper
bump bump bump in online just pm !! Gl hf guys!