Busy with real life lately so leave offer on the thread, pm on guru, or you can email me at a mailbox I just set up: [email protected]
Obviously some of the cheaper pets the prices are kind of well known. The more rare ones, I will wait until an offer is great. Unlike other threads from other people, this one is real, so make an offer that blows me away because it might be your last chance at a real unded rare. There are not more than a handful of some of these left.
NEW *** EXTRA 178 MARGOS co=?
Unded pets:
Kanaxai c/o = The Feeding 1100a
Panda c/o = umm.. i forget
Vizu c/o = 8500e illumuninatti BO=9000e
zhed = co=5500e BO=6000e
shiroken = 4500e Noobgamer BO=5500e
ghost = co= 1500e+22a BO=1500e+30a
oni co= 2050e ashes BO=2250e
naga (SOLD OUT)
yeti (SOLD!)
grawl co= 215e omg barrel BO=220e
** NEW Dedicated VIZU** = co= BO=110arms or 3300e

R8 +5 energy swords/axes: (updating offers later, gotta get to real life job)
shinobi (SOLD!)
oni blade bo=125e (sold one, one left)
vertebreaker bo= 80e
gpb bo=175e
celestial sword bo=100e
crenulated sword bo=100e
broadsword bo=400e
wicked blade bo=80e
gothic sword bo=80e
platinum blade bo=250e
NEW*** plagueborn sword bo = 175e
NEW*** dadao sword bo= 200e
NEW*** r8 dead sword + r12 jug (poison 20%, curses +1 (19% chance)) bo=80e
jitte ~sold
katana ~sold
mammoth axe bo=30e
runic axe bo=150e
gothic dually ~sold
canthan cleaver (skin looks like barber's throat cutter) SOLD
zodiac sword bo=250e
zodiac axe bo=35e
dragoncrest axe bo=40e
gemstone axe bo=40e
NEW*** probably only one in the game: R8 CELESTIAL 10/10 nerfed curses co=
NEW*** probably only one in the game: R8 CELESTIAL 10/10 nerfed fire co=
NEW*** damn sure only one in the game: R8 CELESTIAL in ** RESTORATION ** <-- they do not drop in restoration primary attribute anymore (I only know of one other restoration cele staff and the guy hasnt logged in for over a year) 10% HCT all spell, 20% HSR Communing co=
NEW *** ECHOVALD R9 Tactics +28 health -5/20 co=
NEW *** ECHOVALD R10 tactics no health mod, 20% demons (dunno if useful) co=
NEW *** GOTHIC DEFENDER R12 Tac, +28 health, -5/20 co=
NEW *** GOTHIC DEFENDER R9 tac, -2 stance, +29 health co=
Anyone want to buy this pack and resell them? Usually I sold them for 20-30k each when I saw buyers and I was not feeling lazy enough to change characters to get them. 15 x R8 blue inscribable offhands all max of course. I figure resale worth 300-400k. Willing to take a discount just to sell them all at once. 1 inspir, 1 fire, 1 soul, 2 divine, 4 blood, 1 curse, 1 air, 3 water, 1 fast cast. Skins are in the pic below.

R7 swords:
flamberge 19 under 50 bo=40e
wingblade 15% stance bo=150e
R8 Chaos axe 15^50 bo=75e
NEW *** R8 Chaos axe 15/-1 energy bo=150e
NEW *** R8 Chaos axes 15%/-5 enery, 15%/-10 armor, 15% stance, 15% enchant, 20% while hexed, 15% hexed bo= 20e each, take your pick
NEW *** R8 Zodiac Bow old school, +5 energy bo=50e
NEW*** OK... here is the deal. I made fun of other people selling masks. I have had this one a long time. This is Scooby's mask. Scooby, love him or hate him, was probably the greatest trader we ever saw in GW. You gotta give him props for that. Those of us who knew him, we know he was not a duper, but one hell of a trader. Anyways, his account got perm banned a long time ago due to ... lets just say venting about getting hacked in kamadan repeatedly and expressing his anger verbally in kamadan using filtered words wayyyyyy to many times. LOL. So, perm banned account. You cant get this mask anymore. If you want the mask from the best trader ever in the game, imo, this is the one to get.