Round shield of endurance req 9 tactics inscri (+ 45 whilst in stance, -2 stance)
s/b 500g b/o 5k
Gold leaf defender of Valor req 9 command inscri ( Health +58 whilst hexed)
s/b 500g b/o 5k
Dwarven axe req 9 gold inscri
s/b 500g
Sai of defense req 9 inscri (+5 armor)
s/b 500g b/o 5k
cruel Oni daggers of dagger mastery uninscri (+20 whilst hexed, deep wound +20 and +1 dagg 19%)
s/b 500g b/o 5k
inscriptions (all b/o 1k)-
Swift as the wind (Reduces cripple 20%)
Strength and honor x 2
Riddle of steel
Hale and hearty x 3
Let the memory live again
Sheltered by faith x 2
Master of my domain
Upgrades (all b/o 1k)-
Dagger handle of enchanting
Vamp dagger tang
Furious sword hilt
Top right map piece x3 b/o 500g/ea
Top left map piece x3 b/o 500g/ea
Bottom right map piece x3 b/o 500g/ea
Bottom left map piece x3 b/o 500g/ea
gifts of the traveller x6 b/o 4.8k/ea
Thanks for looking

IGN Zac Rain