Gifts of the Huntsman


Academy Page

Join Date: Sep 2009

I am selling 100 Gifts of the Hunstman from presearing for plain ol' post searing gold.

I need cash, gold for in order to buy tickets to play Nine Rings. I have enough cash for the weekend, but today I discovered the birthday celebration lasts until Thursday.

Sorry, I do not want ectos, z keys, black dye, just plain ol' gold!

According to wiki, this is what you can get from each gift:
* 5 Bottle Rockets
* 5 Hunter's Ale
* 5 Aged Hunter's Ale
* 5 Champagne Poppers
* 5 Honeycombs
* 5 Jars of Honey
* 5 Sparklers
..each having about 15% 'drop' chance.

With all that being said, I'm setting
S/B at 700g per gift
B/O at 1K per gift.

If you give me my B/O price, then you can buy additional gifts at the B/O price. (I currently have 700 GoTH total.)

I am NOT posting in the High End forum, because i am not accepting zkeys, ectos, black dyes, etc so each trade/sale is limited to 100k.

I reserve all rights, etc.

fyi - don't contact me in game as I am afk playing Nine Rings.