Stand your ground! They're on Fire!

Essence Snow

Essence Snow

Unbridled Enthusiasm!

Join Date: Nov 2009



Questions: Stand Your Ground......Does that +20 whatever stack with SY +100? If so does that out perform They're on Fire's 25+ reduction while foes are lit up?

Thanks!~Take care and Have Fun~

Marty Silverblade

Marty Silverblade


Join Date: Jun 2006

STY shouldn't stack with SY. I've heard "I Am Unstoppable" stacks past +25, but that's only because it's bugged. +armor from any combination of skill types cannot exceed +25.

Don't know about TOF, but that's an 'If so' anyway.

PS: Fixed the typos in the thread title .



Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Jun 2009


To clarify, only the single highest armor effect will hold (past 25ar, they stack when effects are lower).

If a single skill gives you +80 armor, you will get the +80 armor.

If you have a skill that gives you +60 and one that gives you +25, you'll get +60ar.

If you have have Stand Your ground and They're on Fire! up, Your armor against burning foes will be +25 and +20 against everything else while standing still. If you then throw up SY!, it will be +100ar all-round.

As marty said, the only skill that will bypass that cap is I am Unstoppable, it'll stack /w SY! for 125ar.

Essence Snow

Essence Snow

Unbridled Enthusiasm!

Join Date: Nov 2009



Thankyou for replies. I wanted to make sure it wasn't just me...I prefer running Blazing Finale and They're on Fire...vs a popular Stand Your Ground/To the Limit combo. Why the latter is gaining popularity...idk...maybe low alliegence ranks?

PS. thank for fixin my was late and I was sort of toasted =D



Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: May 2008


As mentioned, fixed armor bonuses do not stack past 25 (with the exception). Skills like ToF and TNtF are percent-based, and will stack. Makes me wonder why there is no cap for percent-based damage reduction...

Essence Snow

Essence Snow

Unbridled Enthusiasm!

Join Date: Nov 2009



Since posting this ...I have continually seen Stand Your Ground on almost every Imbagon's bar. This pains me so....I have had hope, that while fighting, I would look up to see an appropiate usage of this skill, but alas it is almost always on top of Save Yourselves. This is a waste of a skill when used inappropiately. Idk...just a shame that lead me to say something.


Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Jul 2008


Stand your ground will boost the imba's armor, when he is not moving, making him slightly less of a target compared with everyone else who is covered by SY. Or at least thats the only semi logical reason i can think of to bring Stand your Ground with SY.



Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Apr 2010

Theyre on Fire does Stack with There is Nothing to Fear. Making it a superior combo with Blazing Finale Vs Stand your Ground if the burning condition is met.

I think alot of paragons take Stand your Ground as a shout to alternate between TNTF and to negate the -20 armor on themselves from Aggressive Refrain or Soldiers Fury. So most of the time SYG is useless to the rest of your party, because you should have SY up and it covers them instead.

If SYG is on top of SY or vice versa, then SY will still be the highest armor buff. It does not cancel out or negate SY. It doesnt matter the order they are in or how they are "stacked".

I take SYG over TOF unless I know the burning condition will be met constantly, ie Blazing Finale and a SF Nuker.

Pretty much what everyone else said.

And Blood dominator is right, multiplying percentages of 100% will never get you to 100%. 99.(to infinity repeating 9's)% maybe. But thats another thread.

Only thing im not sure of is which Dmg reduction happens first SY or TNTF/TOF. I think its SY. I could be wrong.