Mini pets (all unded)
Terrorweb Dryder (10k) GONE
Elf (5k) GONE
Thorn Wolf (3k)
Kirin (1.5k) GONE
Irukandji (x2) (4k)
Heket Warrior (2k)
Zoldark's Focus (3k)
Voltaic Wand - max, r11 energy storage, inscribable (but no mods) (500g)
Spiral Rod - max, r10 curses, inscribable (currently highly salvagable), quickening 9% mod. (500g)
Majestic Focus - r9 domination, inscribabe, (currently +27HP -20% deep wound) (500g)
Barbed Korambits of Warding - r13, inscribable but not currently inscribed (1k)
Razortongues recurve box (1k)
All prices are guidelines - All fair offers considered, and probably accepted- i need the cash.
reply, pm, or message in game: Stray Shadowtail
Mini Pets (+ misc. weapons)
Xen Furiour
Kill Tremor
Terrorweb Dryder, Elf , Kirin
IGN Kill Tremor
IGN Kill Tremor
Xen Furiour
Terrorweb, kirin and elf now gone