GOLD WEAPONs and tomes

My Kittays Daggers

Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Apr 2010

We Sell Our Bodies For A [Ecto]



(req9) Crippling Shadow Blade(OLDSCHOOL)(inscriptable)- 7.5k [SOLD]

(req9) Sundering Saurian Scythe of Fortitude(inscriptable) - 20k [SOLD]

(req9) Furious Guardian Spear(inscriptable) - 10k

(req9) Fiery Dragon Sword of Fortitude (inscriptable)- 7.5k [SOLD]

(req9) Legendary Sword (inscriptable) - 5k [SOLD]

(req9) Diamond Aegis of fortitude (inscriptable) fortitude +29 - 7.5k

|| Tomes ||
Elite Monk tome- 9k
22 Regular Warrior tomes - 300g each

Contact me at Love K I T T A Y S <--- my GW Name