5 Years of Guild Wars
Jedi Battousai
I have a huge dilemma and this is more of a rant than anything.
I bought this game back in June of 2005 (well fine i got it for my birthday). I loved it. I used to give people free runs from LA/Bergen to ToA and Sanctum and always got tipped well. It was something fun to do for me when i wasn't working characters through the campaigns. Plus i met many good people that way, most of which don't play any more.
With each campaign release, I found myself playing Guild Wars more and more. New content was always a bonus. I didn't like Factions as much as NF and GW:EN was bland, but it was something to do. New weapons to get. New bossed to kill. New challenges.
I bought "stock" in Sapphires/Rubies before nightfall from my other farming exploits (thank you 105/55 monk. You served me well when you first came around) and made millions reselling to the trader. I squandered most of that on obby sets that i liked for characters I played the most.
Perma then became the farm to do. More pink flooded my storage and i had more money that i knew what to do with. I never did SC's or power traded (ugh just boring) but farming for some reason was rewarding......
Then titles. Most of them were fun (Guardian, vanquisher, skill hunter) but others just tedious (booze hound............................................. .................................................. .................................................) . I maxxed my kurzick title through abuse of DTSC for two weeks (since HFFF clicking was epic fail). I am about half way through luxon right now, doing it at my own pace and VERY slowly duo discord or H/H. It's tedious VQing MQ like a billion times. Chest running is boring and i'm 4k chests short. Wisdom is expensive and i don't have the money on me any more to fund that nor do i really have the patience to farm more Ecto (down to around a stack).
After 5 years I'm almost done with all titles I want to get. I already have GWAMM but I'm looking into Lucky/Unlucky/TH/Wisdom/Luxon. The problem is that under the best conditions, this will take me another 300 hours to accomplish (assuming farming money then buying golds). I don't think i can slave another 300 hours to doing something so unhumanly boring that it's just rediculous. It's not a matter of enjoyment but frustrating work. I feel like i'm at work, slaving away mindlessly at an assembly line putting the same damn bolt on 1983465104283560156 times.
The enjoyment is gone. I have 1 month before I get my minis (roughly) and thats about the last thing i have to look forward to. Titles. What purpose do they serve? Achievements in games, sure they're great but what happens when it crossed that point where they become so tedious they're not worth it? Why is that games that have been so enjoyed in the past feel like work and not play?
At this point I have no motivation to finish. I've taken a couple month breaks from the game before to do other things, but then i'd always come back for a couple months before not wanting to play any more.
I'm not sure i can stomach the remainder of these titles. They are so frustratingly mindless that not even doing other things while working on them, like watching tv shows (thank you windows 7 snap feature) doesn't even make them better. The thought of running chests for another 4300 minutes and then spending another 3-4 million on gold id's (oh wait i have to farm that out first which is equally boring since it's 123 then 456 to victory in the UW)just sounds like work. And for what?
We get some special random bonus in GW2. Woop De doo..... What will it be? Customized weapons that look.....not cool? An emote that shows off our e-peen in all of it's glory? It's been confirmed iirc that it won't transfer to any game altering bonuses so why bother? I've put my 3000+ hours into this game already. I've done everything with almost every class. It's just getting dry.
Just mindlessly slaving away at this tediousness is too much....
I bought this game back in June of 2005 (well fine i got it for my birthday). I loved it. I used to give people free runs from LA/Bergen to ToA and Sanctum and always got tipped well. It was something fun to do for me when i wasn't working characters through the campaigns. Plus i met many good people that way, most of which don't play any more.
With each campaign release, I found myself playing Guild Wars more and more. New content was always a bonus. I didn't like Factions as much as NF and GW:EN was bland, but it was something to do. New weapons to get. New bossed to kill. New challenges.
I bought "stock" in Sapphires/Rubies before nightfall from my other farming exploits (thank you 105/55 monk. You served me well when you first came around) and made millions reselling to the trader. I squandered most of that on obby sets that i liked for characters I played the most.
Perma then became the farm to do. More pink flooded my storage and i had more money that i knew what to do with. I never did SC's or power traded (ugh just boring) but farming for some reason was rewarding......
Then titles. Most of them were fun (Guardian, vanquisher, skill hunter) but others just tedious (booze hound............................................. .................................................. .................................................) . I maxxed my kurzick title through abuse of DTSC for two weeks (since HFFF clicking was epic fail). I am about half way through luxon right now, doing it at my own pace and VERY slowly duo discord or H/H. It's tedious VQing MQ like a billion times. Chest running is boring and i'm 4k chests short. Wisdom is expensive and i don't have the money on me any more to fund that nor do i really have the patience to farm more Ecto (down to around a stack).
After 5 years I'm almost done with all titles I want to get. I already have GWAMM but I'm looking into Lucky/Unlucky/TH/Wisdom/Luxon. The problem is that under the best conditions, this will take me another 300 hours to accomplish (assuming farming money then buying golds). I don't think i can slave another 300 hours to doing something so unhumanly boring that it's just rediculous. It's not a matter of enjoyment but frustrating work. I feel like i'm at work, slaving away mindlessly at an assembly line putting the same damn bolt on 1983465104283560156 times.
The enjoyment is gone. I have 1 month before I get my minis (roughly) and thats about the last thing i have to look forward to. Titles. What purpose do they serve? Achievements in games, sure they're great but what happens when it crossed that point where they become so tedious they're not worth it? Why is that games that have been so enjoyed in the past feel like work and not play?
At this point I have no motivation to finish. I've taken a couple month breaks from the game before to do other things, but then i'd always come back for a couple months before not wanting to play any more.
I'm not sure i can stomach the remainder of these titles. They are so frustratingly mindless that not even doing other things while working on them, like watching tv shows (thank you windows 7 snap feature) doesn't even make them better. The thought of running chests for another 4300 minutes and then spending another 3-4 million on gold id's (oh wait i have to farm that out first which is equally boring since it's 123 then 456 to victory in the UW)just sounds like work. And for what?
We get some special random bonus in GW2. Woop De doo..... What will it be? Customized weapons that look.....not cool? An emote that shows off our e-peen in all of it's glory? It's been confirmed iirc that it won't transfer to any game altering bonuses so why bother? I've put my 3000+ hours into this game already. I've done everything with almost every class. It's just getting dry.
Just mindlessly slaving away at this tediousness is too much....
Regulus X
simply /uninstall
Dusk Banewalker
Titles shouldn't have been implemented imo.
Ya, I agree, if you don't like, /uninstall, be thankful that its free.
I used to play Bingo. For various reasons, I stopped enjoying it. I haven't visited a Bingo Parlor in 20 years.
please tell me your joking Kook
Chasing Squirrels
Marty Silverblade
If you've lost interest, do something else. No one is forcing you to play.
PS: We don't know exactly what benefits we will get in GW2. No point worrying about it. Either you want to max everything out or you don't.
PS: We don't know exactly what benefits we will get in GW2. No point worrying about it. Either you want to max everything out or you don't.
If GW2 was the type of game that would allow the transfer of game altering bonuses, it wouldn't be the type of game that's worth playing.
While I could care less about any possible emotes, I'd be perfectly happy with a unique weapon skin or armor piece to show off as long as they were balanced against everything else.
If we do get nothing but emotes? I can sell my account to someone that cares for IRL cash and start fresh.
But yeah, some of the titles are crazy stupid and they require grind that's not worth it. You *did* however get 5 years of play out of this game, that's more than your money's worth IMO. Time to take a break.
While I could care less about any possible emotes, I'd be perfectly happy with a unique weapon skin or armor piece to show off as long as they were balanced against everything else.
If we do get nothing but emotes? I can sell my account to someone that cares for IRL cash and start fresh.
But yeah, some of the titles are crazy stupid and they require grind that's not worth it. You *did* however get 5 years of play out of this game, that's more than your money's worth IMO. Time to take a break.
Bob Slydell
If you want to keep playing, keep away from grinding those stupid titles. If you are finally blown out bored, then move on.
Terrible Surgeon
Only 3000 hours played?
Jedi Battousai
Guesstimating of actual time logged working on titles, the game, and helping the guild/others not counting afk and just chatting in town with people. And my actual logs shows 8k. Which probably also isn't a lot for 5 years but that is like 300 days logged in, A lot of which was spent on 9 rings.
This is true. I've spent ~$200 on GW and got 5 years out of it. That is a relatively low cost compared to how much fun I did have. I'll probably just take a break and see if i want to go back to it. So many other games to play will probably keep me away until after the summer or until it nears GW2 release.
I'd love to come back for GW2 if it looks alright and they don't make a lot of drastic changes.
But yeah, some of the titles are crazy stupid and they require grind that's not worth it. You *did* however get 5 years of play out of this game, that's more than your money's worth IMO. Time to take a break.
I'd love to come back for GW2 if it looks alright and they don't make a lot of drastic changes.
I feel cheapened by reading this giant QQ post, I can't imagine how bad it must have been for you to write it but quality troll none the less {GOD I hope that was just a troll and not serious}
for an answer is case you were really being serious, SEE ALL ABOVE POSTS
for an answer is case you were really being serious, SEE ALL ABOVE POSTS
Maybe give PvP a go? GW is originally a PvP game after all...
Almost got my 25th title but cba to get any more. I play games for fun and the remaining titles aren't what I call "fun". I've played twice the amount of PvP than I have done PvE I think.
Almost got my 25th title but cba to get any more. I play games for fun and the remaining titles aren't what I call "fun". I've played twice the amount of PvP than I have done PvE I think.
You had fun, and got your money's worth out of the game. Good job. Since it isn't fun anymore, play something different. Not sure what the problem is..... Though I don't enjoy the things you seem to have enjoyed.
Gill Halendt
Titles. What purpose do they serve? Achievements in games, sure they're great but what happens when it crossed that point where they become so tedious they're not worth it?
Slaving...? Oh, please...
You're done and all set for GW2 with your full hall.
That's the thing I'm aiming for atm just need 2 more titles for GWAMM and after that I can finally retire from the grind.
Occasional log-ins for events or new stuff.
There are so many other games you can play while reading these fora to "keep in touch"
It's just going to be hard ignoring that voice in your head: "have to log in, just to look if there is something to do, just a moment, it won't be that long, just one more city, browse my storage just one more time, /doh 2 hours passed off to bed then, darn guild wars"
That's the thing I'm aiming for atm just need 2 more titles for GWAMM and after that I can finally retire from the grind.
Occasional log-ins for events or new stuff.
There are so many other games you can play while reading these fora to "keep in touch"
It's just going to be hard ignoring that voice in your head: "have to log in, just to look if there is something to do, just a moment, it won't be that long, just one more city, browse my storage just one more time, /doh 2 hours passed off to bed then, darn guild wars"
If what you say is true regarding hours played; assuming you've played for roughly 3,000 hours and the rest are mostly afk'ing hours and such, you would only have spent about ~1.6 hours a day over the course of 5 years. Hence, as far as logic goes, you have only been playing casually (again, the fact that you took some months long breaks every now and then means you'd have played more during a certain era and less during another, but it's the average hours played per day that count). If I were you, I wouldn't be as worried about the time you've invested into the game already. Instead, you can think about all the others who have been playing actively for the last 5 years and haven't done so casually, rather, played for 5 active hours a day and more.
To sum it up, you haven't been playing that intensively since you have gotten the game, so just be happy and move on if what you see no longer floats your boat.
To sum it up, you haven't been playing that intensively since you have gotten the game, so just be happy and move on if what you see no longer floats your boat.
No you don't. If you're no longer having fun with a video game, put it down and do something else.
When did video game culture shift from "Cool, I beat the game" to "This game must provide me with entertainment until the day I die, or else the game is a failure"?
When did video game culture shift from "Cool, I beat the game" to "This game must provide me with entertainment until the day I die, or else the game is a failure"?
You alrdy played more then the average GW player lol. Ur part of the "elite" with your GWAMM and u got more money then most people. And ur burned out. So serious.. Just quit the game lol.
But just wondering, You alrdy got LDOA? It's a fun to title to get (IMO!!) And i'm doing it myself, should have it next month. So maybe u could try that ^^
But just wondering, You alrdy got LDOA? It's a fun to title to get (IMO!!) And i'm doing it myself, should have it next month. So maybe u could try that ^^
I wouldn't feel too bad about not enjoying the game, there hasn't been any new content for 3 years. Playing the same old stuff over and over gets tedious.
Your account wont expire and you aren't playing a subscription so you can return later, might play something fun instead.
Your account wont expire and you aren't playing a subscription so you can return later, might play something fun instead.
If its no fun anymore, dont play....log off and when you birthdays roll around, log in-click on the prezzies...dedicate (if you wish or sell them) log off....wait for gw2 to come out.
You have gotten your moneys worth from the game, no one is forcing you to grind titles and such.
Pretty simple solution.
You have gotten your moneys worth from the game, no one is forcing you to grind titles and such.
Pretty simple solution.
do what you want. This is a game who says you have to do anything you can hang around places for no reason or just not play. you don't have to uninstall (if you want to come back for the festivals). I don't blame you about the titles, not worth it. I just thoguht about waht i wanted to accomplish with each character and set out to do just that before thinknig of any new accomplishments. Once i've done all that i might just leave the game. but since we have the war in kryta (content coming soon) it might be worth it to stick around for a bit longer ;D.
and then after that we have the royal ascalon masquerade ball then the dragon festival, then halloween, wintersday e.t.c
bascailly the answer is do what you want.
and then after that we have the royal ascalon masquerade ball then the dragon festival, then halloween, wintersday e.t.c
bascailly the answer is do what you want.
^ Actually a pretty good idea. Stay out of HA, though. Lots of rank discrimination and elitism. Not much fun to do if you're unranked, only randomway and RtLway, really.
that story brought a tear to my eye
Jedi Battousai
Instead, you can think about all the others who have been playing actively for the last 5 years and haven't done so casually, rather, played for 5 active hours a day and more.
I've done *some* PvP and don't really find it to float my boat. Too much hate if you do something wrong in my experience as monking RA which spoiled it for me. I even did the JQ/FA route for a while for faction and for some fun and still not for me.
I might give PvP another go after the summer (work drains most of my time along with previous evening obligations) just for kicks if the break serves me well.
No i haven't gotten it. It sounded like more grind than the other titles which was just not going to float my boat. At least with TH I really work on 4 titles at once which makes it a *bit* better.
Gun Pierson
To OP: Just park your character in the HoM and see if GW2 is any good. Don't waste your time on GW any longer, especially because you don't have fun anymore, I know the feeling and I'm having a blast in other games atm. Feedback to Anet is pointless too at this point.
I've done *some* PvP and don't really find it to float my boat. Too much hate if you do something wrong in my experience as monking RA which spoiled it for me. I even did the JQ/FA route for a while for faction and for some fun and still not for me.
I might give PvP another go after the summer (work drains most of my time along with previous evening obligations) just for kicks if the break serves me well. |

Skyy High
As others have said, if you've done everything (and you apparently have no interest in PvP, which is a shame), try a different character, help out guildies with content (it's amazing how much it can revitalize a mission to be doing it with the purpose of helping someone, as opposed to just blazing through it), poke around at whatever new War in Kryta content we get, and/or just stop playing for a while. No monthly fee, remember? It's clear that you've had a hell of a time playing GW when it was offering you stuff to do, so don't get all down about it now that there's nothing left for you to accomplish.
Incidentally, it seems like you won't have to wait terribly long for GW2 stuff to salivate over...if you're into that. If not, come back when the beta's released. Really, they don't revoke your membership card to the GW fanclub if you stop playing for a while.
Incidentally, it seems like you won't have to wait terribly long for GW2 stuff to salivate over...if you're into that. If not, come back when the beta's released. Really, they don't revoke your membership card to the GW fanclub if you stop playing for a while.
Funny how people play the game for 5 years and come to GWGuru to complain about nothing left to do.
sigh,I don't want to be rude,but now Riverside is all about "I played for 5 years
and there's nothing left to do,this game sucks!"
sigh,I don't want to be rude,but now Riverside is all about "I played for 5 years
and there's nothing left to do,this game sucks!"
Jedi Battousai
Funny how people play the game for 5 years and come to GWGuru to complain about nothing left to do.
sigh,I don't want to be rude,but now Riverside is all about "I played for 5 years and there's nothing left to do,this game sucks!" |
And i'd love to play some GvG but the guilds i've frequented recently with friends (RL friends as well) don't seem to do any GvG. Thats one aspect of GW i have yet to do.
And as for helping people, I've done that. It's not about blazing through but getting others through said mission or VQ. I help the guildies a lot when i'm bored or stuff to do but the lack of new content (obviously working on GW2 so I don't blame anyone for not releasing anything new) means the old content can only do so much before it gets old.
Many moons ago I was saying to Guildmates, "I think it would be fun to try to kill every foe in a area, but I don't have anyway to know if I killed everything". And then, voila!, there came the Vanquisher titles.
At first, the titles were a good way to keep track of your personal achievements. Naturally, some people enjoyed the e-peen of displaying titles, so they added some more silly-bugger ones like Drunkard and Party Animal.
But, initially I liked the titles as a way of keeping track of my own personal achievements. I still wish there was a "Done Every Quest" title. (Legendary Quest Hunter?), but, I suppose it's too late now - I wouldn't want have to do them all again.
To the OP - I know the feeling. There's no way I'm going to bother to get Drunkard, Sweet tooth, or Party Animal, or w/e boring title just for the sake of maybe getting some lame title in GW2. By the time GW2 comes out, the "bonuses" will be about as unique as Chaos Gloves.
At first, the titles were a good way to keep track of your personal achievements. Naturally, some people enjoyed the e-peen of displaying titles, so they added some more silly-bugger ones like Drunkard and Party Animal.
But, initially I liked the titles as a way of keeping track of my own personal achievements. I still wish there was a "Done Every Quest" title. (Legendary Quest Hunter?), but, I suppose it's too late now - I wouldn't want have to do them all again.

To the OP - I know the feeling. There's no way I'm going to bother to get Drunkard, Sweet tooth, or Party Animal, or w/e boring title just for the sake of maybe getting some lame title in GW2. By the time GW2 comes out, the "bonuses" will be about as unique as Chaos Gloves.