(11) "I have the Power" - 700g each
(9) "Strength and Honor" - 700g each
(2) "Live for Today" - 5k each
(2) "Luck of the Draw" - 7k each
(1) "Aptitude not Attitude" - 7k each
(2) "Hale to the Hearty" - 1k each
Staff Mods:
(2) Insightful Staff Head - 500g each
(5) Adept Staff Head - 4.5k each
(1) Staff Wrapping of Enchanting - 6k each
Focus/Wand Mods:
(1) Focus Core of Fortitude - 2k each
(1) Wand Wrapping of Memory - 2k each
Spear Mods:
(3) Sundering Spear Head - 4k each
(1) Spear Grip of Enchanting - 6k each
Axe Mods:
(2) Axe Grip of Fortitude - 3k each
(1) Sundering Axe Heft - 2k each
Scythe Mods:
(2) Scythe Grip of Enchanting - 6k each
(1) Scythe Grip of Fortitude - 4k each
ign - Its a Flaragon
all items are b/o only
all items are max stats