My timezone is GMT +1 and am usually on daily from 9am to 11am and 2pm to 5pm unless busy.
All mods and inscriptions are perfect unless otherwise stated.
In game name is The viruss or The Heal Breeze
The price for the listed items is in platinum behind the item, however if you want to pay in zkeys/ectos/lockpicks, here are the rates:
Zkeys: 4.5k
Ectos: Material Trader -1k
Lockpicks: 1k100
If you don't want the item anymore after ingame contact I would like you to edit your post so other people still know it is available.
All the weapons are inscribable unless it's stated otherwise
C1) Peppermint Candy Cane - 240g/u x2
C2) Wintergreen Candy Can - 120g/u x643
C3) Keg of Aged Hunter's Ale - 13K
M1) I Have the Power – 1k x5
M2) Bow Grip of Fortitude - 1K
M3) Shield Handle of Fortitude – 4k
M4) Staff Wrapping of Fortitude - 2k500 x2
M5) Hale Staff Head - 1k500 x2
M6) Wand Wrapping of Memory - 2k500
M7) Focus Core of aptitude - 3k500 x4
M8) Focus Core of Fortitude - 2k x2
M9) Bow Grip of Enchanting - 500g
M10) Sword Pommel of Fortitude - 3k500
M11) Focus Core of Swiftness - 1k
M12) Aptitude not Attitude - 5K
M13) Focus Core of Devotion - 1k
P1) Jade Armor - 100g
P2) Koss - 5k
P3) Christmas Elf - 5k -> SOLD
P4) Asura - 50k -> SOLD
P5) Bone dragon - 40k -> SOLD
P6) Varesh Ossa - 30k -> SOLD
P7) Necrid Horseman - 100g
P8) Raptor - 5k
P9) Abyssal - 5k x3
P10) Temple Guardian - 100g
P11) Hydra - 100g
DP1) Rurik - 2k500
DP2) Pig - 2K500 x2
DP3) Celestial Rat - 30k
DP4) Ceratadon - 50k
DP5) Asura - 25k x2
DP6) Mursaat - 1k
DP7) Destroyer - 50k
DP8) Celestial Ox - 20k
DP9) Varesh Ossa - 15k
EDITED by Jenn: Added a prefix to your thread!