UW 600 monk with Spirit Spammer
Mission Updated
I was recently playing around in the underworld with my spirit spammer and my buddy decided to come along. He brought his 600 monk perma spell breaker and using him as a tank i found it much easier to set up spirits and kill larger groups of enemies more quickly because of the fact that spirits rarely needed to be replaced because they weren't taking much damage ( there was the occasional enemy that drifted off the monk, but he was quickly disposed) . My question is how far do you think a perma sb 600 monk tank with a spirit spammer could go in the underworld and what quests do you think could be done?
perma sb? deadly paradox and shadow form perhaps?
Captain Bulldozer
A spirit spammer alone in NM can clear much of the UW, though not many quests. The addition of the 600 shouldn't change much in that regard, but it would make it easier. I'd highly doubt you could do quests like the 4 horsemen with just the 2 for example, and the ice plains will probably be an equally difficult one. Good hunting.
Mission Updated
Could Four Horsemen still be done like in Cerbs guide where 600 uses sb and soa on reaper to keep him alive and spammer lays spirits carefully?
On topic : Op, were you in nm or HM. I doubt this could make much difference in quests, but maybe for normal clearing speed. Judging from what Bulldozer said, nmshould be fully clearable. HM... I have no idea.
Originally Posted by dark4190

perma sb? deadly paradox and shadow form perhaps?
I'll take a WILD guess by saying he took a perma SB because his friend was playing one. I'm sure he (and his friend) knew full well that sf did the same thing.
Mission Updated
We cleared all chamber and took restoring grenth' s monuments. We then proceeded to wastes and cleared it. We teled back to lav and took UWG. We then teled back to wastes and took out groups from behind and completed it. Then cleared vale and considered doing Wrathful but didn't. We cleared path to plains and cleared plains. We did attempt to perma sb reaper but accidently pulled aggro and died. He was surviving quite well.
UWG, Restoring, Clear the Chamber, can be done.
Wrathful Spirits- can one allied spirit be saved with ps and spirit bond?
Escort would be difficult with mindblades but doable it seems.
Wastes impossible.
Mountains- no idea havent tried.
Pools- believe it could be done with careful aggro.
Pits- no idea
Four Hoursmen - maybe
Wat do you guys think?
all in normal mode of course
UWG, Restoring, Clear the Chamber, can be done.
Wrathful Spirits- can one allied spirit be saved with ps and spirit bond?
Escort would be difficult with mindblades but doable it seems.
Wastes impossible.
Mountains- no idea havent tried.
Pools- believe it could be done with careful aggro.
Pits- no idea
Four Hoursmen - maybe
Wat do you guys think?
all in normal mode of course