The Rofling Caravan (Mostly R9s, Mods, and Inscriptions)

You Rofl My Coptr

Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Apr 2010

I'm looking to clean my mule's inventory and my Xunlai Chest. Some items are B/O only. You cannot go past the B/O offer, so if someone puts in the amount for the item's buy out price first, then they get it even if someone offers more for it.

Items going for bids will be sold on my 2nd bump. Which basically means 2 days. I figured I'd try this avenue instead of the Auctions link.

All items are req 9 and inscribable unless otherwise noted. And minimum bid after starting bid is 1k (Mods and Inscriptions minimum bid is 500g or .5k). And you must provide an IGN either in private message or publicly displayed in order to receive your winning[s].

C/O - Current offer on item
S/B - Starting bid for item
B/O - Buy out price for item

Have fun.

IGN: I Rofl Your Coptr, You Rofl My Coptr, and I Rofl Your Mule



1. Kanaxai's Edge S/B: 2k
2. Kanaxai's Edge S/B: 2k


3. Wingblade Sword of Dragonslaying req 11 (uninscribable) S/B: 1k
4. Platinum Broadsword req 10 S/B: 3k
5. Highlander Blade S/B 4k
6. Mammoth Blade S/B 5k B/O 15k
N1. Greater Highlander Blade S/B 10k B/O 25k
N2. Platinum Broadsword S/B 11k B/O 30k

7. Golden Talon S/B 5k B/O 10k
8. Ebon Crescent Blades s/B 5k B/O 15k

9. Hooked Scythe S/B 3k B/O 11k

10. Half Moon S/B 4k
11. Feathered Longbow S/B 2k

12. Cane of Quickening [Illusion] B/O 3.5k
13. Cane [Illusion] S/B 1k
14. Jeweled Staff [Illusion] B/O 3k
15. Clairvoyant Staff [Domination] B/O 3.5k
16. Holy Staff of Enchanting and +5 insc [Divine Favor] S/B 4.5k

17. Arcane Scepter [Fast Casting] S/B 3k
18. Hypnotic Scepter [Illusion] S/B 3k
19. Whalekin Wand [Water] S/B 3k

20. Tower Shield [Strength] S/B 4k


A. "Strength and Honor" (15% more damage while over 50% health) S/B .5k
B. "Strength and Honor" (15% more damage while over 50% health) S/B .5k
C. "Strength and Honor" (15% more damage while over 50% health) B/O 2k
D. "Strength and Honor" (15% more damage while over 50% health) B/O 2k
E. "Guided by Fate" (15% more damage while enchanted) S/B .5k B/O 3k
F. "Dance with Death" (15% more damage while in stance) S/B .5k
G. "Dance with Death" (15% more damage while in stance) S/B .5k
H. "Dance with Death" (15% more damage while in stance) S/B .5k
I. "Dance with Death" (15% more damage while in stance) B/O 3k
J. "Dance with Death" (15% more damage while in stance) B/O 3k
K. "Don't Think Twice (10% chance fast cast for all spells) B/O 1k

L. "Seize the Day" (+15 energy, -1 energy regeneration) S/B .5k B/O 3k
M. "Aptitude not Attitude" (20% fast cast for attribute's spells)
S/B 6k B/O 10k
N. "Aptitude not Attitude" (20% fast cast for attribute's spells)
S/B 6k B/O 10k
O. "Hale and Hearty" (+5 energy while over 50% health) S/B .5k
P. "Hale and Hearty" (+5 energy while over 50% health) S/B .5k
Q. "Hale and Hearty" (+5 energy while over 50% health) S/B .5k B/O 3k
S. "Have Faith" (+5 energy while over 50% health) B/O 1k

Focus Items and Shields
T. "The Riddle of Steel" (Armor +10 vs slashing) B/O 1.5k
U. "Not the Face!" (Armor +10 vs blunt) B/O 1.5k

You Rofl My Coptr

Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Apr 2010

Added a greater highlander blade and platinum broadsword. Should be worthy of bump, eh?

You Rofl My Coptr

Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Apr 2010

Double faction AB weekends are nice.

Absolute Destiny

Absolute Destiny

Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Sep 2006

Oklahoma City

Forgotten Realms [FR]


I'll take Kanaxai's Edge for 2k.

IGN: Sephiro Maximus

You Rofl My Coptr

Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Apr 2010

Just finished a cross-country trip. Will be out of game for a few days.