Undedicated Mini Oola (Sold 20e)
Undedicated Mini Abomination (Sold 8k)
Mallyx's Savagery (Sold 5k)
Icy Dragon Sword (Sold 5 ecto)
Couple of storage things
Ascalon Destroyer
Ascalon Destroyer
Bump, added Mallyx's Strife
Ascalon Destroyer
Bump - considering merching all soon
Ascalon Destroyer
Added a few new item upgrades that I have if anyone is interested
Ascalon Destroyer
bump - added IDS
nigro marcia
15 Normal Warrior Tomes 200g each
IGN Nigro Marcia
IGN Nigro Marcia
Ascalon Destroyer
Bump - Added new things
Mallyx's Savagery 5k
IGN: Lytria Syron
IGN: Lytria Syron