I don't have as a much uniterupted time to put into the game anymore, so I'm looking for some help with four canthan missions. I need hard mode canthan runs, while I'm AFK. I have a vampiric weapon. I'm willing to pay really fair prices.
The missions I need are Gyala Hatchery, Tahnakai Temple, Vizunah Square, and Eternal Grove. I'm willing to pay 30k per mission and 40k for Eternal Grove as long as I can remain AFK. I'm US eastern, which I think is GMT-4, and I'm usually on for a few hours in the evening. If anyone can help it would be greatly appreciated.
My in game name is Asylum Drake. Please PM, or leave a post here and I will contact you. Thanks a lot.
Still need Tahnakai, Gyala, and Eternal Grove
LF a Few HM Canthan Masters Runs
asylum drake
Stoney Malloney
Yo, I'll take on those requests for ya. Only Eternal Grove will require me to take a 2nd person and probably use a conset to make up for the lesser firepower, but I get the feeling I get compensated fairly well for that ^^.
IGN Stoney Malloney
IGN Stoney Malloney