War in Kryta Petetion to ANet
To Anet,
I would like to open a petetion concerning the War in Kryta content you are currently adding in. IMO, you need to make that content appear in instances only when there is an active quest associated with that story line. I am out VQing North Kryta, I have the entire area cleared with the exception of a mob of Tengu and boss in the Southwest corner. Imagine my surprise to find 2 mobs of Peacekeepers there that promptly wipe my party. Having these mobs spawn even though I have no active quest for that story line puts anybody trying to VQ that area at a distinct disadvantage to somebody who VQ'd that area prior to the release of your War in Kryta content. I do appreciate the work your group is putting into new content, but it is unfair to make it more difficult for somebody trying to VQ the area then it was by somebody who did it just before the new content was released. I haven't done anything in the War in Kryta storyline and to have those 2 mobs hostile without some sort of dialog trigger is unjustified. Please modify the way these groups are being introduced out of fairness to those of us just getting around to VQing Kryta.
Thank you
I would like to open a petetion concerning the War in Kryta content you are currently adding in. IMO, you need to make that content appear in instances only when there is an active quest associated with that story line. I am out VQing North Kryta, I have the entire area cleared with the exception of a mob of Tengu and boss in the Southwest corner. Imagine my surprise to find 2 mobs of Peacekeepers there that promptly wipe my party. Having these mobs spawn even though I have no active quest for that story line puts anybody trying to VQ that area at a distinct disadvantage to somebody who VQ'd that area prior to the release of your War in Kryta content. I do appreciate the work your group is putting into new content, but it is unfair to make it more difficult for somebody trying to VQ the area then it was by somebody who did it just before the new content was released. I haven't done anything in the War in Kryta storyline and to have those 2 mobs hostile without some sort of dialog trigger is unjustified. Please modify the way these groups are being introduced out of fairness to those of us just getting around to VQing Kryta.
Thank you
Isn't it more fun with those groups?
Zahr Dalsk
Essence Snow
I hear ya..I'm scrambling to VQ some of the mesmer areas with a couple chars b4 next update and wish I had finished my VQs of said areas with the war stuff before it came out.
Trader of Secrets
the best option would discords, pumped up with cons.
I am at a disadvantage because I vanquished that area before cons or PvE skills.
Also, wiki.
Also, wiki.
Raven Wing
I like that new monsters are added, that it isnt static.
Gabriel of Ravn
I vanquished the areas with peacekeeper groups and they weren't exactly that hard other than at Nebo Terrace you need to be more careful with your pulling.
I went and vanquished the areas just recently BECAUSE of the monsters, stop the wahmbulance and play the game =]
Hells Fury
Shayne Hawke
The game changes. Too bad for you. A lot of us here have been searching for an area with mobs that provide a challenge above the run-of-the-mill dangers that we've seen for years.
Ariovist Lynxkind
Because they were put in weeks ago and you have had a hell of a lot of warning that they will be there. Besides, if you want to VQ without them there you still can: Just dont complete Proph or EotN before going to VQ in those areas
Because they were put in weeks ago and you have had a hell of a lot of warning that they will be there. Besides, if you want to VQ without them there you still can: Just dont complete Proph or EotN before going to VQ in those areas
The Drunkard
since when has anet ever listened to a petition?
Beta Sprite
Yeah... not feeling any sympathy really. Vanquishing is supposed to be hard, and the game is changing in a good way.
I disagree, and it can even be done w/o the unholy trinity of necros.
Just remember to bring a long bow and pull.
Just remember to bring a long bow and pull.
I'll take exploitable corpses from the Peace-guys over double holy damage anytime!
go cubs
still a pretty simple vanquish, im doing the kryta areas currently, quite easy still...
Skyy High
I am at a disadvantage because I vanquished that area before cons or PvE skills.
Seriously, the game changes. The difficulty of areas is not constant, and these mobs are actually a decent, legitimate challenge, which is something we've been practically begging for for as long as I can remember.
To Anet,Having these mobs spawn even though I have no active quest for that story line puts anybody trying to VQ that area at a distinct disadvantage to somebody who VQ'd that area prior to the release of your War in Kryta content.

Or to anyone who has ever had their build nerfed before they finished VQing (ok alot of them QQ but that's another story)
Or this or that...changes are part of the game...live wif dem?
offtopic: how bout them *insert team here* that plays *insert sport that is being played currently here*
The Peacekeeper groups are closer to what we should have gotten for HM than the monster buffs we got. Giving monster groups secondaries, intelligent (or at least more intelligent) builds, hard rezes, and even some dual class synergy (things like Barbs on a Necro where a physical damage character is in that group). So although not restricted to HM, I love what they added, even if they added in skills not available to the campaign. And they are not so hard that you can't complete a vanquish because of them.
Deviant Angel
Newsflash!! You're in HARD MODE!
If the addition of those baddies made the area a little more difficult, that's awesome! The game could stand to be a little more challenging. We shouldn't be able to c-space our way through hard mode while chatting on MSN and watching cat videos on YouTube.
Unfortunately, I have this nasty habit of thinking everyone on here exaggerates about stuff like this. I'm almost positive that I can still roll that area as easily as I did 2 years ago.
If the addition of those baddies made the area a little more difficult, that's awesome! The game could stand to be a little more challenging. We shouldn't be able to c-space our way through hard mode while chatting on MSN and watching cat videos on YouTube.
Unfortunately, I have this nasty habit of thinking everyone on here exaggerates about stuff like this. I'm almost positive that I can still roll that area as easily as I did 2 years ago.

Marty Silverblade
You're complaining that HM is hard? You seem to have got the point.
Anyway, /notsigned. Aside from some high end areas (mostly HM EotN dungeons) the game is pretty simple. PvE skills, cons, and continual buffing of underpowered professions (Rits, mostly) made 99% of PvE a joke. If you're not good enough to beat it, get better. The game doesn't need to be simplified any further.
Anyway, /notsigned. Aside from some high end areas (mostly HM EotN dungeons) the game is pretty simple. PvE skills, cons, and continual buffing of underpowered professions (Rits, mostly) made 99% of PvE a joke. If you're not good enough to beat it, get better. The game doesn't need to be simplified any further.
Actually, I went and VQed Kryta specifically because the peacekeepers were there to make it more of a challenge. Who wants to VQ a bunch of boring old Krytan monsters? Oh look, another Bog Skale....
Pacekeaper teams go in groups of 2..6. They may seem like more, but you can separate them.
Just pull them carefully.
If you are having any trouble dealing with a group of the same or less hostile NPCs as your party has, the problem is most likely you, and not the monsters.
Just pull them carefully.
If you are having any trouble dealing with a group of the same or less hostile NPCs as your party has, the problem is most likely you, and not the monsters.
Wandering Hades
agreed.... ive been playin this game since they started fixing/nerfing every single area. from areas to farm like the griffons outside augury rock, to areas you can run like droks. its how anet is, stop QQing and just live with it like the rest of us. yea its a P.O. but what can you do, its their game.
Dewshine Wildclaw
Because they were put in weeks ago and you have had a hell of a lot of warning that they will be there. Besides, if you want to VQ without them there you still can: Just dont complete Proph or EotN before going to VQ in those areas |
Or the peacekeepers wont be there if you use another char than the one you used to complete the campaign? Then it would be possible yes.
Anyways on topic.
/notsigned it
is cool something new is happening, and as mentioned before those that did it before there was consets... or heroes, was at a disadvantage compared to after those things were added too.
Don't complain but enjoy the game

They reverted MoR in PvE because of the 'petitions' in the community. Didn't you know whining + numbers = success?
Anyways, definitely /notsigned. Hard mode is supposed to be challenging, this is challenging. No need to change it because some players want to get everything on a silver platter.
Anyways, definitely /notsigned. Hard mode is supposed to be challenging, this is challenging. No need to change it because some players want to get everything on a silver platter.
Amy Awien
... Having these mobs spawn ... puts anybody trying to VQ that area at a distinct disadvantage to somebody who VQ'd that area prior to the release of your War in Kryta content.
A wipe isn't the end of a VQ, more of a warning, it's quite doable with the Peacekeepers.
I would like to see the dialogue changed though, just have my char say that she doesn't need a permit (to kill them).
And they have Vengeance so their corpses get refreshed for more exploitation.
Haven't done much vanquishing, but I don't really see a need to remove the new content. After all, as others have said, it is HM.
Haven't done much vanquishing, but I don't really see a need to remove the new content. After all, as others have said, it is HM.
Mintha Syl
Really? They're not so difficult unless you rush and overaggro, they can easily be pulled, even when the area is all a red-peacekeeper-dot.
And IMHO is funny seeing the game change after you have the storyline completed, you feel like you've actually done something more than just gaining an item and unlocked HM.
/not signed
And IMHO is funny seeing the game change after you have the storyline completed, you feel like you've actually done something more than just gaining an item and unlocked HM.
/not signed
I've recently started vanquishing north kryta, and i've found those peacekeepers really interesting and funny (expecially their builds and their dialogues with my character). To the OP: those peacekeepers aren't really difficult to dispatch, expecially if you have already vanquished some other areas, such as the desolation (joko's domain and its pesky boss groups for example). Just use some overpowered build and bring a flatbow with you. FYI, i found no problem at all running a SoS spirit spammer (i'm a monk) and 3 necros (JB minion bomber/protter, SS barbs/channeling w/ splinter and ancestor's, and SV restoration) plus Little Thom and Alesia (!!!).
If you're so horrible that you can't even beat two simple mobs, you don't deserve any VQ title whatsoever.
I am not asking that these groups be removed. All I did was suggest the "option" of fighting these groups or not via active quests. That simple suggestion somehow turned into a referendum on my gameplay. I was merely suggesting that there be a trigger for those enemies to pop-up. To those who have submitted the typical GW response of QQ moar/you suck/ etc... instead of simply commenting on the suggestion, thank you again for re-enforcing the reasoning behind me doing everything with H/H.
Moderator: Please close this thread as it is not generating any useful comments on the actual suggestion.
Moderator: Please close this thread as it is not generating any useful comments on the actual suggestion.
Marty Silverblade
I am not asking that these groups be removed. All I did was suggest the "option" of fighting these groups or not via active quests. That simple suggestion somehow turned into a referendum on my gameplay. I was merely suggesting that there be a trigger for those enemies to pop-up. To those who have submitted the typical GW response of QQ moar/you suck/ etc... instead of simply commenting on the suggestion, thank you again for re-enforcing the reasoning behind me doing everything with H/H.
Moderator: Please close this thread as it is not generating any useful comments on the actual suggestion. |
I am out VQing North Kryta, I have the entire area cleared with the exception of a mob of Tengu and boss in the Southwest corner. Imagine my surprise to find 2 mobs of Peacekeepers there that promptly wipe my party. Having these mobs spawn even though I have no active quest for that story line puts anybody trying to VQ that area at a distinct disadvantage to somebody who VQ'd that area prior to the release of your War in Kryta content. |
I got my titles on the characters that matter, but I was recently trying to run my ele to ToA and these spawns were pure murder.
I got beaten to a bloody pulp mere steps away from a rez shrine/portal and ended up at the very beginning of the run.
Not to mention the useless henchies in LA can no longer handle the areas.
I got beaten to a bloody pulp mere steps away from a rez shrine/portal and ended up at the very beginning of the run.
Not to mention the useless henchies in LA can no longer handle the areas.
peace keepers made those vqs slightly less mindless and boring than the rest of the vqs i had done up to that point. it was a nice change, quit your bitching, suck it up, and don't whine when hm is too hard for you.
As anyone who has seen a mmo evolve this is just something Anet is testing out. Imagine if you planned a vanquish or mission just to find its not exactly how guildwiki said it was last night. Omg the game evolves and moves around!? Mobs become more complicated to buildwars? Sadly they are taking the codex ideals into pve i think, and soon we will see all sorts of things changing at a random pace. This will provide a more challenging game but will also kill alot of the simplified grinding guildwars players have come to enjoy. Some might saw well now its interesting to do this area that i have dont 100x a different way. Some will say well i knew how to complete it now i dont and i wont do it anymore. This who "kryta war" is garbage made to get players who might have found a liking of a different campaign (cantha/elonian characters) and since they werent going for maxing all titles they just ignored tyria all together. Its a way for them to reskin an old area with a few minor tweaks to make it seem interesting again *cough*cough* all eotn armor is reskinned *cough*. Its not gonna stop and probably wont become anymore organized but i guess the direction anet is choosing to take is full overhaul of all substance and consistancy in one of the few mmos that has lasted 5years and not completely become abandoned.
Terrible Surgeon
You want the new content to be dumbied down? Seriously, pve has become so easy because of cons/pve skills anyone can load 3 heros and some henchies and basically act like they are general Sherman implementing scorched earth on southern rebels. A challenge being added to PvE has been needed for a long time and i wish it encompassed a larger area and not just kryta.