As in the title, I have some stuff I am getting rid of from my storage...
All items are gold unless otherwise labeled.. ty all and good luck with bidding, all bids for items start at 1000g......
1.Furious War Hammer (Uninscriptable)
Dmg 19-35 (Req 9)
Dmg +15%
Health Regen -1
Furious 10%
Health +30
2. Nicholas's Icy Dragon Sword
with +20 Enchant Mod on it..
3. Stone Summit Shield (Inscriptable)
Armor 16 (Req 10 Tac)
Luck of the Draw
Dmg -5 (20% chance)
Health +30
4. Serpentine Reaver
Dmg 6-28 (Req 9)
5. Demoni Aegis (Inscriptable)
Armor 16 (Req 10 Command)
Luck of the Draw
Dmg -5 (20% Chance)
Health +30
6. Shield of the Wing
Armor 15 (Req 7 Tactics)
Inscriptable (Blue)
7. Earth Prism
Energy +12 (Req 8 Earth Magic)
Inscriptable (Blue)
Health +30
8. Rune of Superior Vigor
Health +50
9. Rune of Superior Vigor
Health +50
10. 483 Drunkard Minutes (Shamrock Ales, Eggnogs, Hunters Ales).
Mods please close any old threads I may have forgotten, ty.....
WTS Storage Items
Invalid Shadow
s/b shield of the wing, earth prism, serpentine reaver
pm b/os pls
pm b/os pls
s/b #2
PM for IGN please.
PM for IGN please.
#6 5k
Pm me b/o
Pm me b/o
10k on number 6
15k on 6......
Artisan Archer
5k on #4
IGN: Break Fu
IGN: Break Fu
Ariena Najea
5k on
7. Earth Prism
Energy +12 (Req 8 Earth Magic)
Inscriptable (Blue)
Health +30
IGN Ariena Najea
7. Earth Prism
Energy +12 (Req 8 Earth Magic)
Inscriptable (Blue)
Health +30
IGN Ariena Najea
2k on #2.
IGN: Lobba Lobba
IGN: Lobba Lobba