Few golds for sale. Come take a look


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Feb 2010

Romance and War


Just some things i have for sale.

r.13 Devine Favor Onyx Scepter of memory.
-Inscribable, sweet looking wand. B/O 20k

r.13 Command Reinforced Defender.
-max, Inscribable. Looks cool. B/O 3k

r.11 Energy Storage Portal Staff.
Inscribale, e+10 B/O 5k

r.9 fast casting Aureate Staff or Enchanting
Inscribable, e+10, I love this freaking staff. B/O 10k

I also have some firey bladed axes, and a paragon Amethyst Aegis, if you are interested just ask.

PM me here on forums, post or PM me in game as Alvaria Swan.