simP's Storage Sale - q9's, rare skins, tomes, etc.
All items, are max, gold, and inscrib, unless otherwise listed.
Mods on items are considered junk unless otherwise listed.
If you disagree with my B/O, you can still bid, I will negotiate on any item listed.
All mods + scripts are B/O only.
All items like tomes, keys, polymock, etc are B/O only.
Swords + Mods.
q9 Greater Highlander Blade - b/o 4k
q9 Runic Blade - b/o 25k
q9 Destroyer Sword - b/o 25k
q9 Mammoth Blade - b/o 5k
q10 Golden Phoenix Blade - b/o 15k
Spears + Mods.
q9 Brass Spear - b/o 4k
q10 Ornate Spear - b/o 2k
Axes + Mods.
q9 Cleaver - b/o 2k
q9 Destroyer Axe - b/o 25k
Scythes + Mods.
q9 Draconic Scythe GREEN - b/o 10k
Hammers + Mods.
q9 Copper Crusher - b/o 5k
q10 Copper Crusher - b/o 1k
Daggers + Mods.
q9 Sai - b/o 9k
q9 ThunderFist's Brass Knuckles - b/o 2k
q9 ThunderFist's Brass Knuckles - b/o 2k
q9 ThunderFist's Brass Knuckles - b/o 2k
q9 ThunderFist's Brass Knuckles - b/o 2k
q9 ThunderFist's Brass Knuckles - b/o 2k
q9 Crude Daggers - b/o 2k
q9 Korambits - b/o 4k
q9 Savage Daggers - b/o 5k
Bows + Mods.
q10 Storm Bow - b/o 15k
q12 Storm Bow - b/o 2k
q9 Wooden Longbow - b/o 1k
q9 Vabbian Shortbow - b/o 1k
q9 +15-5 Zodiac Longbow - b/o 15k
Staves + Mods.
q9 Inspiration Dragon Spire Staff - b/o 1k
q12 Divine Cobalt Staff - b/o 20k
q9 Fire 20/10 Ghostly Staff Oldschool - b/o 25k
q10 Earth 20/10 Ghostly Staff Oldschool - b/o 20k
q9 Channeling 20/10 Zodiac Staff Oldschool - b/o 70k
q9 Energy Storage Ghostly Staff - b/o 50k
q10 Channeling 20/10 Shadow Staff Oldschool - b/o 15k
q12 Domination Ensorcelling Staff - b/o 1k
q9 Domination Clairvoyant Staff - b/o 6k
q9 Domination Clairvoyant Staff - b/o 6k
Wands + Mods.
q12 channeling +5e/10HCT Plaugeborn Wand - b/o 5k
Offhands + Mods.
q8 +12e Domination Ominous Eidolon Inscribable (blue) - b/o 20k
q8 +11e Earth Focus Inscribable (blue) - b/o 5k
q9 Restoration Destroyer Focus - b/o 25k
q9 Soul Reaping Straw Effigy 10HCT 20HSR Blood Magic - b/o 5k
Shields + Mods.
q9 Motivation Signet Shield - b/o 30k
q9 Strength Exalted Aegis - b/o 15k
q9 Strength Shield of the Lion - b/o 15k
q9 Strength Plated Shield - b/o 9k
q11 Tactics Emblazoned Defender - b/o 1k
q12 Strength Zodiac Shield - b/o 3k
q12 Command Signet Shield - b/o 3k
q8 Command 15AL Suntouched Shield Inscrib (blue) - b/o 3k
q9 Motivation Goldleaf Defender (purple) - b/o 2k
q9 Command Goldleaf Defender - b/o 10k
Ectos @ 7k
Zkeys @ 4.5k
Lockpicks @ 1.25k
Mods on items are considered junk unless otherwise listed.
If you disagree with my B/O, you can still bid, I will negotiate on any item listed.
All mods + scripts are B/O only.
All items like tomes, keys, polymock, etc are B/O only.
Swords + Mods.
q9 Greater Highlander Blade - b/o 4k
q9 Runic Blade - b/o 25k
q9 Destroyer Sword - b/o 25k
q9 Mammoth Blade - b/o 5k
q10 Golden Phoenix Blade - b/o 15k
Spears + Mods.
q9 Brass Spear - b/o 4k
q10 Ornate Spear - b/o 2k
Axes + Mods.
q9 Cleaver - b/o 2k
q9 Destroyer Axe - b/o 25k
Scythes + Mods.
q9 Draconic Scythe GREEN - b/o 10k
Hammers + Mods.
q9 Copper Crusher - b/o 5k
q10 Copper Crusher - b/o 1k
Daggers + Mods.
q9 Sai - b/o 9k
q9 ThunderFist's Brass Knuckles - b/o 2k
q9 ThunderFist's Brass Knuckles - b/o 2k
q9 ThunderFist's Brass Knuckles - b/o 2k
q9 ThunderFist's Brass Knuckles - b/o 2k
q9 ThunderFist's Brass Knuckles - b/o 2k
q9 Crude Daggers - b/o 2k
q9 Korambits - b/o 4k
q9 Savage Daggers - b/o 5k
Bows + Mods.
q10 Storm Bow - b/o 15k
q12 Storm Bow - b/o 2k
q9 Wooden Longbow - b/o 1k
q9 Vabbian Shortbow - b/o 1k
q9 +15-5 Zodiac Longbow - b/o 15k
Staves + Mods.
q9 Inspiration Dragon Spire Staff - b/o 1k
q12 Divine Cobalt Staff - b/o 20k
q9 Fire 20/10 Ghostly Staff Oldschool - b/o 25k
q10 Earth 20/10 Ghostly Staff Oldschool - b/o 20k
q9 Channeling 20/10 Zodiac Staff Oldschool - b/o 70k
q9 Energy Storage Ghostly Staff - b/o 50k
q10 Channeling 20/10 Shadow Staff Oldschool - b/o 15k
q12 Domination Ensorcelling Staff - b/o 1k
q9 Domination Clairvoyant Staff - b/o 6k
q9 Domination Clairvoyant Staff - b/o 6k
Wands + Mods.
q12 channeling +5e/10HCT Plaugeborn Wand - b/o 5k
Offhands + Mods.
q8 +12e Domination Ominous Eidolon Inscribable (blue) - b/o 20k
q8 +11e Earth Focus Inscribable (blue) - b/o 5k
q9 Restoration Destroyer Focus - b/o 25k
q9 Soul Reaping Straw Effigy 10HCT 20HSR Blood Magic - b/o 5k
Shields + Mods.
q9 Motivation Signet Shield - b/o 30k
q9 Strength Exalted Aegis - b/o 15k
q9 Strength Shield of the Lion - b/o 15k
q9 Strength Plated Shield - b/o 9k
q11 Tactics Emblazoned Defender - b/o 1k
q12 Strength Zodiac Shield - b/o 3k
q12 Command Signet Shield - b/o 3k
q8 Command 15AL Suntouched Shield Inscrib (blue) - b/o 3k
q9 Motivation Goldleaf Defender (purple) - b/o 2k
q9 Command Goldleaf Defender - b/o 10k
Ectos @ 7k
Zkeys @ 4.5k
Lockpicks @ 1.25k
Luke D
b/o on steelhead scythe
ign: Kyo Unshi
ign: Kyo Unshi
The Final
q12 Divine Cobalt Staff - B/O
q10 Ornate Spear - b/o
IGN Another Scene
q10 Ornate Spear - b/o
IGN Another Scene
Beta Sprite
q9 Destroyer Axe - b/o 25k
I'll take this.
IGN: Gaav Rondo
I'll take this.
IGN: Gaav Rondo
Day Of Sin
q10 Chaos Axe 15^50 Oldschool - b/o 15k
Retract on the sword, almost as cheap to buy from the trader
Luke D
q9 Soul Reaping Straw Effigy 10HCT 20HSR Blood Magic - b/o 5k
b/o please
IGN Lorelei Sigent
b/o please
IGN Lorelei Sigent
q9 Fire 20/10 Ghostly Staff Oldschool - b/o 25k
IGN - Sublime Lockdown
IGN - Sublime Lockdown
q10 Storm Bow - b/o 15k
q12 Strength Zodiac Shield - 4k
IGN: Requeil Spiritbrand
q12 Strength Zodiac Shield - 4k
IGN: Requeil Spiritbrand
The Baphomet
q9 Strength Exalted Aegis - b/o 15k
q9 Mammoth Blade - b/o 5k
ign lilith ravenlock
q9 Mammoth Blade - b/o 5k
ign lilith ravenlock
Ariena Najea
q9 Fire 20/10 Ghostly Staff Oldschool - b/o 25k
IGN Ariena Najea
IGN Ariena Najea
Azrael the Needle
Retract on r9 STR Plated Shield, purchased from another member.
bid retracted
martian tristar
retract bought ingame
reaper with no name
q9 Brass Spear b/o
The Scorpion Knight
q9 Runic Blade - b/o 25k
The Scorpion Knight
Might want to add to friends list.
The Scorpion Knight
Might want to add to friends list.
retract bid, no contact
Mini Warlord
q8 +12e Domination Ominous Eidolon Inscribable (blue) - b/o 20k
IGN: Mini Warlord
IGN: Mini Warlord
q9 Soul Reaping Straw Effigy 10HCT 20HSR Blood Magic
if you still have it... 50k for it
IGN = Mrs Morphium
if you still have it... 50k for it
IGN = Mrs Morphium
total carbohydrate
q9 Destroyer Sword - b/o 25k
IGN: I Rake Wet Leaves
IGN: I Rake Wet Leaves
retract - found in-game
I'll take the Korambits for 4k. My IGN is Aurelian Thackeray.
Retract. Bought In-Game.
The Scorpion Knight
25k for the Runic Blade
IGN: Issac Vale
IGN: Issac Vale
q9 Restoration Destroyer Focus - b/o 25k
pm me to got my IGN
pm me to got my IGN

mist of the dagger
q12 storm bow - b/o 2k
IGN: Mist of the Dagger
IGN: Mist of the Dagger