SaLach´s High-End Items ~ EL tonics(henchman)/minis(pre&post)/rare items and more !
/retract, bought in game
steel singer
45e on obsidian edge
b/o on 1 obby edge 55e
ign : asassinator is i
ign : asassinator is i
30e on Mallyx
Dervish Kid
43e on mini unded destroyer
17e for el boreal tonic
ign: i monk in nikes
17e for el boreal tonic
ign: i monk in nikes
B/O on second obby edge - 55e
IGN: Missy Maxxbrazuca
IGN: Missy Maxxbrazuca
23e on q9 blood BDS
IGN:Voodoo Zeppelin
IGN:Voodoo Zeppelin
paragon guy
if you still have them i offer 21e for phantom tonic and 16e for boreal
ign: bjorn thunderfist
ign: bjorn thunderfist
20 e on abyssal
IGN Lord Anjing
IGN Lord Anjing
Q9 BLOOD bds 20e
miss kitty cola
meant to put 25e ^ ^
miss kitty cola
meant to put 25e ^ ^
b/o EL Reindeer Tonic: 303arm my IGN is Ukitake Toshiro
Spike Stritter
S/B on EL Cottontail Tonic
IGN: Spike Stritter
IGN: Spike Stritter
b/o on hench if you still got it, pm here
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EDITED by cosyfiep for BUMPING AN OLD THREAD: This thread is old. Please check the seller/buyer's thread activity before making a post!
Please read our Ventari's Corner Guidelines to avoid any further violations..
21e on one EL cottontail
IGN: The Rabbit Warrior
IGN: The Rabbit Warrior
Everlasting Cottontail Tonic for 22e
IGN: I Legendary Bouke I
IGN: I Legendary Bouke I