PC on a mini
PC on an unded mini water djinn. The Price Check link says 20k but I can't find people selling for 50k (people I offered that to said that's too low, and I've seen people selling it for MUCH higher) so it can't be that low. Does anyone have an accurate pricing?
June Bug
Well... I saw one person yesterday in LA spamming his for a good while at 35k, and he had no takers. Personally, I wouldn't pay more than what it says in the sticky, but then I already got a djinn mini.
Hm....thanks. I'll keep my eyes open for that 35k one >.>
The mini pc thread isn't updated often and several of the prices just aren't acurate.
I picked up a water Djinn for 25k recently but that is the very low end for what people are generally looking to get.
Just keep your eyes open, I find good deals on minis all of the time in spamadon and LA, you just need to be patient and a bit lucky with your timing.
I picked up a water Djinn for 25k recently but that is the very low end for what people are generally looking to get.
Just keep your eyes open, I find good deals on minis all of the time in spamadon and LA, you just need to be patient and a bit lucky with your timing.
Sold one for 15/16k a while back. Was tired of having it sit around and needed space. Saw a 25k selling other day.