IGN: The Rule Of Mule
Please take in consideration that I live in a GMT+1 Time Zone!
I'll make sure that when I'm online on GW, I shall be online on GWG as well.
You may bid lower than the b/o, given that the bid is within reason.
I have the right to sell the items in game.
Chor's Axe (3k)
Benwah's Recurve Bow (1k)
Wilderm's Wand (1K)
Zarnas' Wrath (1k)
Totem Axe (3k)
Keshel's Staff (0.5K)
Hamlen's Artifact (4k)
Fendi's Rod (3k)
Morrob's Axe (0.5k)
------Low Reqs
Req7 15AL Tactics shield. Skin: Great Conch.
Icy Bowstring x2 (0.5k)
Fiery Bowstring x2 (0.5k)
Shocking Bowstring x2 (0.5k)
Zealous Dagger Tang (3k)
Vampiric Dagger Tang (1.5k)
Insightful Staff Head (1k)
Defensive Staff Head (1k)
Ebon Spearhead (0.5K)
Sundering Axe Haft (1.5k)
Focus Core of Fortitude (1.5k)
[Stack] Bolts of Cloth (2k)
[Stack] Hide Squares (2.5k)
[Stack] Wood Planks (2k)
------Mini Pets
Mandragor Imp (4k)
Necrid Horsman (0.5k)
Cave Spider (6k)
Temple Guardian (0.5k)
Kegs of Aged Hunter's Ale (14k) (x2)
Disco Balls (1.2k) (x6)
Bottle Rockets (170g) (x20)
Sparklers (170g) (x10)
Crates of Firework(500g) (x5)
Snowman Summoners (170g) (x6)
Mischievous Tonics (350g) (x5)
Cottontail Tonics (350g) (x5)
Mysterious Tonics (800g) (x40)
Jars of Honey (300g) (x30)
Fruit Cakes (150g) (x8)
Storage clear thread; greens, mods and more!
Bumb me up, Scotty!
Originally Posted by tilpo

Bumb me up, Scotty!
Need not say a word
I lowered prices; need it gone quick
I lowered prices; need it gone quick
Originally Posted by tilpo

Originally Posted by tilpo

Bumb me up, Scotty!
Need not say a word
I lowered prices; need it gone quick B-b-b-b-b-bump!
I lowered prices; need it gone quick B-b-b-b-b-bump!
Ty, Fast trade
Tribal Spear req9. [Deep wound +33%; e+5; hp+30] (1k)
IGN - Atheena Minerva
IGN - Atheena Minerva
Bump me up scotty
I'll buy Fendi's Rod (3k)
IGN: Divinity Derived
IGN: Divinity Derived
Bump me up scotty!
Bump me up scotty!
Added several consumables.
Added several consumables.
Bump me up scotty!
Bump me up scotty!
ebon spearhead - 500g
IGN - East Asia
EDITED by cosyfiep for BUMPING AN OLD THREAD: This thread is old. Please check the seller/buyer's thread activity before making a post!
Please read our Ventari's Corner Guidelines to avoid any further violations..
IGN - East Asia
EDITED by cosyfiep for BUMPING AN OLD THREAD: This thread is old. Please check the seller/buyer's thread activity before making a post!
Please read our Ventari's Corner Guidelines to avoid any further violations..