
Assasin Foxx

Assasin Foxx

Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Mar 2008

Farming Boxes At Morning [cDx]


Hi guys.

Once again im looking for someone who will be able to do the following

NF-> endgame
Ascalon -> LA -> Shiverpeak tour

Some other ods and ends also pm me ingame

IGN Beverian Hulk


Academy Page

Join Date: Apr 2010


Electric Celerity [EC]


Are you talking about running with missions included, or do you just want the outposts?

If you just want the outposts, I can run you from AC --> LA and the Shiverpeak Tour.

AC --> LA = 3k
Beacons --> Droks = 2k
Rankor --> Citadel = 3k
Droks --> grotto (including all other outposts near aswell) = 4k

That'll be a total cost of 12k, I hope we can make bussiness

IGN: Miss Dervissh
PM me in game if you see me online

Assasin Foxx

Assasin Foxx

Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Mar 2008

Farming Boxes At Morning [cDx]


Bump Also need LA -> desert tour


Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Sep 2009

Electric Celerity [EC]


I can easily do Desert Tour for you.

It will cost...

LA > Sanctum Cay 1.5k
Sanctum Cay Mission 1k
Desert Tour > 3k

Total 5.5k

IGN: God of Fissures

PM me when you see me online.

Assasin Foxx

Assasin Foxx

Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Mar 2008

Farming Boxes At Morning [cDx]



still need