05 May 2010 at 20:28 - 1
Buy Out SaleHow to contactLeave you IGN and Item on guru and I will find you.
How to offer:You can offer in Money

or Lockpicks.

Lockpick rating 1.2k
Thanks for all.
Below the List. Last Update at: 06 May 2010.
All the weapons are max damage and can be inscripted, unless noted.

Green WeaponAxe of the Kinslayer - 5k
Bison Cup - 1k
Byzzr's Benediction - 1k

Gold Weapon
ScythesR 10 Demon Tounge Scythe - 45k
StavesR 9 Winged Staff (Smithing Prayers) - 11k
R 10 Goldhorn staff (Soul Reaping) - 6k
R 12 Crystal Flame Staff (Divine Favor) - 4k - Reserved for Ultima di Orifiamma
FocusR 9 Divine Symbol (loop) (Divine) - 2k
BowR 9 Dead Bow (Perfect: 15^50,20/20 and +30hp) - 16k
SwordR 9 Wicked Blade 15^Ench (NOT INSCRIPTIBLE) - 1k

Inscriptions(x 4) "Strength and Honor" (1k ea)
(x 2) "Have Faith" (1k)
(x 3) "Brawn over Brains" (1k ea)
(x 4) "Hale and Hearty" (1k ea)
(x 3) "Sieze the Day" (1k ea)
(x 1) "I have the Power" (1k ea)
(x 1) "The Riddle of Steel" (1k)

Upgrades(x 1) 30 Hp (Focus) (1.5k ea)
(x 1) 30 Hp (Staff Head) (1k ea)
(x 1) 30 Hp (Scythe) (5k ea)
(x 2) +5 Ene (Staff) (1.5k ea)
(x 1) HSR 20% of <attribute> spells (Rod) (1.5k ea)
(x 1) HSR 10% (Rod) (1k ea)
(x 0) HCT 20% of <attribute> spells (Focus) (2k ea)
(x 0) HCT 20% of <attribute> spells (Staff) (3k ea)
(x 1) HCT 10% of spells (Staff Head, Swiftness) (2k ea)
(x 3) Enchantments 20% (Axe) (1.5k ea)
(x 1) Enchantments 20% (Bow) (1k ea)
(x 1) Enchantments 20% (Hammer) (1k ea)
(x 3) Penetration 20% (Hammer) (1k ea)
(x 1) Penetration 20% (Dagger) (1.5k ea)
(x 2) Penetration 20% (Axe) (1.5k ea)
(x 1) Zealous (Dagger) (1.5k ea)
(x 1) Zealous (Bow) (1.5k ea)
(x 1) Vampaier (Dagger) (1.5k ea)
(x 1) Vampaier (Bow) (1.5k ea)
(x 1) Furious (10%) (Scythe) (1k ea)
(x 1) Armor +5 (Staff Head) (1k ea)

UndedicatedJade Armor (2k)
Fungal Wallow (2k)
Roaring Ether (3k)
Harpy Ranger (2k)
Tempel Guardian (2k)
Hydra (2k)
Hekte Warrior (3k)
Wind Rider (2k)
DedicatedMandragor (1k)
Wind Rider x2 (1k)
Heket (1k)
Irukandji (1k)
Harpy Ranger (1k)
Siege Turtle (1k)
Raptor (1k)
Jungle Troll (1k)
Thorn Wolf (1k)

Miscellaneous(250) Glacial Stones (95g ea)
(1) Elite Ranger Tome (7k)
(1) Necromanser Tome (500g)
(1) Paragon Tome (600g)
IGN: Master Of Dreamland