I have random stuff to sell. Offer whatever. If it has a starting bid, please don't bid lower than it. If it has a B/O-only, take it or offer something near it. Not selling the consumables as individuals - only as listed. No reserves on the items, but it's up to me whether I sell or not. I may also sell in game if I so choose.
All golds are max and inscribable.
1. Req 9 Dragon Kamas
S/B: 30k
B/O: 45k
2. Req 10 Runic Blade
B/O: 3k
3. Req 12 Guardian of the Hunt (Tac)
B/O: 3k
4. Req 13 Scarabshell Aegis (Comm)
B/O: 1k, or Free with purchase of another item
5. Req 10 Katana
B/O: 3k
6. Req 9 Adamantine Shield
B/O: 5k - SOLD
7. 254 Birthday Cupcakes
SOLD 90k
8. 250 Four Leaf Clovers
B/O: 45k-ish - SOLD 55k in game
9. 100 Mystical Summoning Stones
SOLD 30k (I was impatient : D)
10. 39 Celestial Summoning Stones
S/B: 15k
B/O: 45k
+30 Axe Grip - 1k
Furious (10/10) Axe Haft - 1k
15^50 - 350g or free with purchase of another item
20% Dagger Handle of Enchanting - 1k
Tome Package (1 Necro, 1 Mes, 2 Ele, 1 Assassin, 1 Elite Ele) - 5k SOLD
Leave your IGN or PM it to me - not hunting anyone down. Let me know when you're usually online.
My IGN is Illfated Fat
WTS q9 Dragon Kamas (Insc), Cupcakes, Clovers, golds, mods, tomes, summoning stones.
Tome Package (1 Necro, 1 Mes, 2 Ele, 1 Assassin, 1 Elite Ele) - 5k
IGN: Mighty Googi
IGN: Mighty Googi
+30 Axe Grip - 1k
Wintersday Priest
Wintersday Priest
dragon kamas
dragon kamas
ghost raiders
37k on dragon kamas
ign: zure hand of death

ign: zure hand of death
40k Kamas
Ign: Illustrious Fox
Ign: Illustrious Fox
b/o clovers 45k ign I Knife You
Bump - Clovers & cupcakes sold... trying to contact Amaurosis in game for the kamas, unless someone else bids higher
. pretty much just junk left D:

s/b on cele summoning stones
ign Angel Dea
ign Angel Dea