i came back to do some uwsc and i see that SF has been changed, it only reduces damage by 5, and not to zero...and i also saw that ecto price is almost doubled.
how do people farm ectos in uw now? old 8-man parties in 3 hours or 3 man with 55 hp or what?
thx for the answers, im quite confused O.o
its a long time i dont play gw...
te spiezzo in due
Marty Silverblade
Most of the old builds still work. The only things to get hit were SF (which was buffed in team based circumstances) and 600/Smite. Spirit Spammer Rit is also good now, I don't know if you were around when the Rit buff came around. Look for the thread in the farming section.
fires element
i don't think using 55 hp will work anymore since the addition of the skeletons of dhuum. their attacks penetrate ALL defenses so i don't think you could last long enough to kill them. i could be wrong but i don't think i have seen anyone looking to duo or trio uw with a 55