closed due to a ventari forum violation


Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Jan 2007



EDITED by Cosyfiep for the following Guidelines Violation: EARLY BUMPYou cannot post more than one time per 24 hour period in a thread you created for any reason whatsoever. That is 24 hours, not 23, 22, 21 or 20.
Any post by you in your own thread is considered a bump!

You can always click at the bottom of your posts to respond to posters, or you can contact them ingame or via PM. There is no need for you to make a new post to respond. It is not a daily bump, and you do not get to bump early because you will be gone tomorrow. Because your thread has violated the guidelines your thread is now closed.

Please read the Ventari's Corner Guidelines to avoid any further violations.

Ondals Wisdom

Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: May 2007


Ace up my sleeve (ACES)


35k on Celestial Ox
Unded Dredge 5k
+30 Scythe 2k
Normal Rit Tome 700g

IGN: Ondals Wisdom



Nothing, tra la la?

Join Date: Oct 2007

forget me not - focus - 1k
(If this is a 20% which is max, you can sell 20-30k for these usually, just saying.)
PM for IGN please.

~Will offer 25k.

Dmitri Anzel

Dmitri Anzel

Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Nov 2008



15k on flowstone

ign: dmitri anzel


Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Oct 2007


For Your Entertainment [FYE]

20 green rock
10 blue rock
5 red rock
9 cupcakes

20k on it

IGN: Loco Star


Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Jan 2007



bump up this post.... will try and contact people who have hit the B/O on items as soon as possible...

if item is still on list it has not yet been bought so keep bidding you may win it

@ shadowhaze... it is a 20% so the 1k bid prob wont win it... but any reasonable bid u have I will most likely accept



Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: May 2009

Guild Wars, Earth?


forget me not inscrip - 20% - 26k

IGN: Hime Mai Tokiha