cupcake, golden egg, candy apple, candy corn, pumpkin pie, lunar blessing, pumpkin cookie, rainbow rock candy, summoning stone, pahnai salad, bowl of skalefin soup, drake kabob, essence of celerity, grail of might, armor of salvation
or just a conset makes any vanquish easy.
and maybe pop one of them bad boy ghastly summoning stones.
it'll interrupt everything like a champ.
the flagging henchie stuff works, but a lazier way is just to pop some sort of speedboost, whether it be a consumable or just a skill/stance/enchant/whatever. then just run in there faster than your henchies can, beast out the damage with some manly prots - spiritbond/ protspirit/ shieldofabsorption, or 0 if you have godmode/ shadowform/ vowofsilence/ obsidianflesh/ spellbreaker. or if your a warrior, some big damage reduction skills like doylak. or if your a mesmer, some mantra of flame stuff, or if your a ritualist just summon in some spirits.
regardless of what you do, just PI suckers and they die like flies
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