Halves Skill Recharge of Spells (20%)
Energy +10
Dark Damage 11-22 (Requires 13 Blood Magic)
Halves Casting time of Blood Magic Spells (20%)
Energy +5
Armor +7 (Vs Physical Damage)
It's a trash skin with a trash req, but the mods match without need of an inscription, so I figured I may as well check as I've heard about old school staves going for a price.
r13 old school 20/20 Dark Tendril Staff (Blood)
You can't see me
Eragon Zarroc
lol, the mods may match but i still doubt that it is really worth anything. i would merch it.
I doubt it's worth more than 15-25k tops, but I wouldn't merch it. Inherent matched 20/20 staffs aren't common enough for them to be insta-merch food ... even with r13. You still notice folks looking for Blood staffs now and then, too.
Without any other info to go on, if I were selling that staff I'd set s/b at 5k and b/o at 25k and see what kind of interest there was.
Cheers & GL!
Without any other info to go on, if I were selling that staff I'd set s/b at 5k and b/o at 25k and see what kind of interest there was.
Cheers & GL!
5-10k... .. ....