Assassin vs Dervish(after the upcoming dervish updates)


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Jul 2009

Spirits of Romania


I know there's a ton of topics like this .I'm trying to decide weather to main my dervish or my assasin,considering which one is the more effective in pve and the obvious answer right now is assasin.But in the mesmer update preview they said that dervish and the paragon are next in line to get updated and i'm wondering if the dervish can actualy become better than the assasin and the warrior as a melle proffesion.I mean after big updates ritualists have got very powerfull and now are meta and mesmers seem to have the same fate.I'm thinking that dervishes may also become very powerful and if that would become a reality i'd like to play my dervish rather than my assasin since i like the ideea behind the dervish class better.Anyway the question is:Can the dervish get such a buff to become as good or better than the assasin for pve play?



Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Apr 2008

The Netherlands



You'll never know. I would say try both and take the one you like most.

Personally i prefer the assassin because i always hate it when i need to prepare myself for battle with enchantments.
The assassin attack chains can be annoying sometimes, especialy when your target dies in the middle of the chain.

If you realy want to know if the dervishes will get a big update, you'll just have to wait.


Furnace Stoker

Join Date: Apr 2006

Amazon Basin [AB]


People whine like a dervish is a mesmer or elementalist or something. Scythes do huge damage, so what if a sin or warrior does marginally better with them. If you like scythes Sins are going to deprive you of Save Yourselves, that's enough reason to roll derv.


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Jul 2009

Spirits of Romania


mesmers and elementalists both found their niche.They are used in Doa/Deep/Urgoz spike teams,mesmers had their time in the old cryway teams,ele's can heal and prot better than monks spamming basicly everything like crazy.Mesmers are great in pvp.In general pve play mesmers and eles are still better than the dervish so telling me that people "whine" for nothing doesn't really makes sense.If other classes can wield a scythe better than a derv than why pick a derv?just because a derv can have a scythe and carry sy? Sy isn't that great on a derv bar anyway,paragon,warriors and dagger sins all spam sy way better than a derv.A warrior can have a scythe and sy as well and he's still better than the derv.So do you think dervishe's dont need a buff?



Jungle Guide

Join Date: Jan 2007

New Zealand


Sins are better.


Seriously though why place limitations on yourself?It takes a minimal amount of time to max out a char outside titles and you have already chosen two classes to focus on.

Pimp them both out and have fun, then roll another.

If your defining your game on having the latest "uber" class and cookie cutter build your either in a bad guild or pugging to much, or both.



Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Feb 2006


In general PvE play, they are both great. However Dervishes are amazingly powerful now (they can cut HM enemies down to 1/2 HP or less in one attack not including deep wound), and if they're actually being buffed they're going to be even more incredible.

Assassins can run speedclears though as terra tanks or whatever.



Forge Runner

Join Date: Feb 2007

Las Vegas

Enraged Whiny Carebears [oR]


sins in pve make better use of a scythe than a dervish ever could. mysticism is a completely worthless primary attribute.



Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Jun 2009


The Dervish was never meant as primary physical damage dealer. They were meant as a close-quarters nuker. That alone means that Derv =/= Sin.

If the "upcoming" (5 months from now is not upcoming) Derv buff does nothing but make them more viable for tanking, then ANet will have failed and 90% of derv skills will still end up completely useless for the role.

If ANet delivers an actual decent skill update, then the Derv will revert to the caster class he was meant to be, in which case you have to decide whether you'd rather run a physical attacker or a caster.

One way or the other, the big D is too much of an unknown at this point. Roll with the sin.

Shayne Hawke

Shayne Hawke

Departed from Tyria

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Clan Dethryche [dth]


If you've already got a Sin and a Derv, play whichever one you feel is more fun now.

If you've only got one or the other, or neither, wait until the next update comes out to choose.

Eragon Zarroc

Eragon Zarroc

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Madness Incarnate



yeah, don't play one cause u think it might get updated. just play whichever u enjoy most now ;-)
true but they can't do damage, which was more the context of this discussion.

Quote: In general pve play mesmers and eles are still better than the dervish so telling me that people "whine" for nothing doesn't really makes sense. Which part, the wonderful single-digit damage the eles can pump out while achieving nothing that enfeebling blood doesn't do, or mesmers sitting around hoping that their foes use some skills before the rest of the party melts them? Unless your bar is AP + PvE skills this isn't remotely true.

If other classes can wield a scythe better than a derv than why pick a derv? Welcome to caster classes and soul reaping. Except necros primary skills are so good they rarely bother abusing secondaries outside of /rt heros.

By contrast the fact that your base DPS is 5% lower doesn't matter when you're under Strength of Honor, splinter weapon, barbs/orders or even judge's insight, pushed up further by asuran scan. It doesn't even matter if you consider the scythe the weakest melee weapon, shit dies fast when you can key off that many buffs, you make spirit spammer rits sad by compare.

It's not that dervs are lacking anything, it's that warriors have a broken pve-only skill that grants infinite energy to a 2 pip class, and sins have a broken pve-only skill that gives them perma 33% IAS. Despite that dervs are already still neck-and-neck and just need something like an AoHM tweak to push them over the edge.

just because a derv can have a scythe and carry sy? Sy isn't that great on a derv bar anyway,paragon,warriors and dagger sins all spam sy way better than a derv. It's called adrenaline from every aoe scythe attack. And if you're leading an H/H party, there is no reason to roll A/D over something that can keep SY! up even at half-time. Especially now with fear me.



Forge Runner

Join Date: Mar 2008


Originally Posted by saint666 View Post
Mysticism is not useless, it does whats it's supposed to do, provide fuel for enchantment juggling. The problem is with the skills that's supposed synergize with it's function, doesn't do it very well. That's basically saying that Mysticism is useless.

Not saying that dervish should or shouldn't have attack spam builds, but many players including myself hoped for more caster based play. Assassins have spells, but I would never call them casters unless I'm speaking literally.


Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Jan 2007



Originally Posted by Cuilan View Post
That's basically saying that Mysticism is useless.

Not saying that dervish should have attack spam builds, but many players including myself hoped for more caster based play. Assassins have spells, but I would never call them casters unless I'm speaking literally. 3/4 of dervish skills are spells, if they weren't meant to be primary front line casters with secondary melee complements then I don't know what they were trying to do when they designed the dervish. Warriors are pure melee, assassins are primary melee with secondary spell complements, whats the dervish? Dervishes are crappy casters and sub par melee because offensive dervish spells suck and they were never designed to be a primary melee class to begin with, not because of Mysticism. Dervish enchantments take little advantage of the primary attribute and dervish attack skills have little synergy with the enchantments. Mysticism enables you to cast, strip and recast enchantments endlessly, and most dervish skills are enchantments or enchantment dependent, it complements the class perfectly. The problem is that most offensive dervish enchantment(stuff like Grenth's Aura, and Sand Shards, Heart of Holy Flame) are on 12 to 20 second cool downs, so Mysticism only comes into play every 12 to 20 seconds, while critical strikes, expertise, strength comes into play with every attack skill and they are on 3-6 second cool downs. Imagine Heart of Holy Flame costing 5 energy, on a 5 second cool down, 1/4 cast and Pious Assault reverted to it's original form. With some buffs, dervishes can be just as viable as warriors/assassins with a different play style. Some people suggested that nerfing warriors/assassins would make dervishes more viable, all that does is take 2 adjusted classes and make them comparable to an unfinished class.

IMO, this is what the dervish needs to make it an effective front liner in pve thats not just a warrior/assassin copy:

Defensive/Buffing dervish enchantments that need to be maintained should have their cool downs increased and duration lengthened(10-20s cds, 20-30s duration)--making an IAS actually maintainable wouldn't hurt either. Offensive dervish enchantments(PBAoE Spells) that need to be juggled/striped need to have their energy cost, casting time, cds and duration reduced and dmg rebalanced(5e cost,1/4 cast, 5-10s cds, 5-10s duration), Dervish attack skills need to provide better bonuses/effects for either being enchanted or removing an enchantment (dmg,aoe,energy,conditions,health etc)--also making certain attack skills only remove dervish enchants would prevent the problem of the unwanted stripping of spells such as monk prots. Mysticism could use a slight buff a so it generates enough energy to fuel both attack skills and enchantment juggling used in conjunction, rather than be just enough for only enchantment spamming, but not so much that it becomes op. Limiting the the energy gain to only enchants cast by the dervish, would stop potential RoF spam by monks.(something like, gain 1 energy for every 2 ranks of mysticism (instead of 3), for every enchantment on you cast by you that ends)

Watermelon Tacos

Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Jun 2009


they should buff AoHM so that extra % damage is added on to the original for points in mysticism

reaper with no name

reaper with no name

Desert Nomad

Join Date: Apr 2009



Actually, mysticism is also useless for enchantment juggling, simply because it does not provide enough energy to cover for the enchantments, let alone the skills used to strip them.

On topic, go with the assassin. It's tried and true, whereas how powerful the dervish will be is an unknown (if Anet decides to buff them to be like they were during the NF beta, for example, it will either be one of the biggest buffs in the game's history or it won't be nearly enough to make the class useful). Plus, we don't know when it will occur. Could be next update (in 6 or so months, if experience with this new update schedule is any indication), or it could be three updates away.



Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Mar 2009

Canada Eh

Fallen Knights Of The Shattered [Soul]

lol first of all, don't main just restricts your play-style to which character u previously liked, whether or not you favor them now,
I've got 12 characters (1 for each professions, 1 perma-pre, and one pvp-only) and i play them all ...almost equally and I've got atleast 1 set of 15k (or higher) armor on every character (except, paragon,perma-pre and pvp-only) some characters I have multiple sets (e.g. warrior who has 15k glads, primeval and Vabbian) and I find I can't stand playing one character for very long gets annoying and the game gets boring quickly.

Second of all... in my opinion the derv is already better for pve and is hardcore pwnage (though I use mine primarily for running) the assassin is too target specific and limited by the extreme amount of blocking in the game to only a few builds and is just too fragile, whereas the derv can hit multiple targets can easily pass blocking and does tons of damage (I frequently hit above 150 per hit at 33% ias) and the derv still has room to fit in more skills that increase their armor and the party-wide armor drastically

(also note: I don't use my warrior the most nor to I favor her just like the warrior armor sets as opposed to things like mesmers who's armor is shite)

reaper with no name

reaper with no name

Desert Nomad

Join Date: Apr 2009



You've clearly never heard of a scythe sin.

Long story short, the only advantage a dervish has over an assassin is that they can go /W for SY. Outside of that, assassins beat dervishes at everything, to the point of using their weapon and skills better than they do.

And warriors beat them at literally everything.

reaper with no name

reaper with no name

Desert Nomad

Join Date: Apr 2009



That would be the best option, IF the buff was good enough. But you'd have to make enchantments have almost no recharge times, significantly lower energy costs, lower cast times, armor-ignoring damage, quick-activation spammable removals with extra damage than Pious Assault does right now, and somehow make it so that only primary dervishes can pull it off.

Good luck with all that. Remember, it has to either A) beat scythe sins in damage, or B) get near the scythe sin's damage while providing something else useful to the party. If it doesn't do either of these two things, then the dervish will still be just as useless as it is right now, defeating the purpose of any buffs.



Forge Runner

Join Date: Mar 2006


Originally Posted by reaper with no name
But you'd have to make enchantments have almost no recharge times, significantly lower energy costs, lower cast times ...and have them abused by mo/d like we've seen in the past, or possibly by e/d, n/d, even a/d, etc.

they need to focus on mysticism. they can buff scythe/wind/earth skills if they want to, but mysticism is what needs the biggest changes.



Jungle Guide

Join Date: May 2007




Sins swing scythes like blind children attempting to play stickball. Go with style.


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Jun 2010

Dark Emperial Legion


Personally I hope this update will buff the dervish for pve. I love my dervish and always will but the main problem I have is the fact that I cant get in any good groups for anything pve related because the dervish doesnt really have any "uber" builds used by everybody. so there is no UW, FoW, or anything else I can really enjoy on my derv. more than anything i just with people would appreciate and get a little more creative with the dervish class. There's still much untapped potential.



Wilds Pathfinder

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To come back on tôpic for the OP :

I guess sin assure you to have a good class what ever happens. Even if you probably won't get full potential from scythe. If you want to stay with an attack skill base gameplay.

Derv will probably move away from attack spam and go back to enchant juggling. If you prefer an off-beat caster gameplay, that's it. My guess is that they will move closer to a enchantment-combo based gameplay. Cast 1-2 enchant, go up front -> 2-3 attack skill to remove those enchants = lots of (hopefully) big numbers. With probably 1 or 2 "maintained dps" combo.
Derv will probably have the most interesting gameplay of the 2 and probably have more utility (in a general build). But will probably be more spike and less efficient than sin.

So? fresh gameplay or good ol' 1-2-3 spam to death?


Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Oct 2009


Utrecht Usurpators



In response to your suggestions: Hands off my Arcane Zeal!

I use it a lot to spam Mystic Healing. Works quite well in AB, since you can stand outside the fortress and heal your teammates while they're fighting inside.

I I Dreamweaver I I

Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Jul 2010


it all comed down to the update really doesnt , area net could do something amazing or something really stupid knowing them ,and who says that youll even like the update if it makes them better


Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Jan 2009


Society of Souls [Argh]


judges insight and strength of honor on a crit scythe sin really removes the need for aohm if it is moved to myst.



Jungle Guide

Join Date: May 2005

Hot as hell Florida



One concept that is missing is that a Dervish is an enchanted warrior with a big scythe.

Some of the issues can be simply resolved such as skill buffs and balancing, but some of the mechanics need to change.

Mysticism, if its going to fuel enchant juggling/bombing as a replacement or even augmentation of melee, needs to have a cost reduction as well as energy gain at the end. Much like Expertise, but make it cover only Dervish enchants.

Second, why not make many of the dervs enchants add weapon damage or conditions as a secondary or tertiary effect? Like AoHM, a skill like Dust Cloak could cause weapon hits to inflict more damage (Earth) and/or short term Blindness in addition to its cast and end effects. Since the Derv would be loading up on enchants, each skills weapon damage bonus could be a small range, but with two or three should equal say Order of Pain or Judge's Insight.

This would enable a primary Derv to choose to either enchant bomb, or maintain the enchants to add to weapon damage. And the weapon damage part for all enchants would fail with Mysticism 4 or less. In this way, MANY if not all of the dervs enchants could be made multi-function, where a derv could load up, start swinging, gaining bonus damage and effects that no other class could replicate due to lack of Mysticism, and at the end blow them all off with an enchant strip like a mini nuke.

On the subject of AoHM, the simple and easy fix is to change its functionality to 4 seconds plus 1 second for every two ranks in Mysticism. And it could self-renew whenever hitting more than one foe, to go along with the Derv's focus.

And if the Derv is ever going to enchant bomb effectively enough to compete with physical damage classes like the war and sin, most of the available enchants will have to have short recharges, say 5s, with around 10 to 20s durations. And probably MOST controversial would be to change all their cast times to zero, so that they can be cast while in combat without breaking attacks.

Basically, my vision of the Dervish is a warrior who rolls into combat while casting enchantments on the fly, doing big hurt with the scythe and the augmentations, and then nuking at point blank. His total damage numbers don't even need to meet those of the other physicals, especially if the effects of the various enchants (conditions, etc.) remain attached to both the beginning cast, end cast, and weapon augment.

But certainly, the Dervish should not have to compete with the existing classes for their niche roles, rather design it so that the playstyle is significantly different. So to recap:

1. Mysticism becomes Expertise like but for Dervish skills only (all), with the end gain for enchants ending. Energy costs could be tweaked to make it more difficult for non-Dervs to use and abuse Dervish skills.

2. Dervish enchant skills need a tertiary weapon effect, adding a theme damage (earth, cold, lightning, etc.) based on the skills conceptual theme. This extra damage does not come into effect with less than 4 Mysticism.

3. Dervish enchants become insta-cast with no aftercast, to allow constant casting and stripping while fighting in close quarters. Some skills that are solely buffs, such as ZV and Avatars, would still have cast/aftercast.

4. AoHM, like CA and TNTF, would have the 4+1/2 mechanic bound to Mysticism, with self renewal on hitting multiple foes.



Forge Runner

Join Date: Aug 2006

Canada bro.


Dervishes are a stable profession choice, Assassins are not.
Sure skill updates are less but except more Assassin nerfs since we've been getting kicked the RED ENGINE GORED ENGINE GORED ENGINE GORED ENGINE GO over once Factions was released and the PvP community had the PvE assassin nerfed (when it was already struggling in PvE) over and over again, and those issues were not reverted with the PvE/PvP split.

Really the assassin now has 3 specific things it does. Way of the master abuse, Shadow form abuse, Death blossom abuse, castersin isn't doing so well anymore.
That's it.

The dervish can have less notable builds but they play at closer efficiency. It's a more stable profession. After the update they should be even more stable.
If your hoping out for the stability, after the update the Dervish should be the choice.

However as a huge fan of the assassin class though it's practically unrecognizable from what has been throughout the years, the Dervish should be the choice. Of course really it's hard to say because well it depends on what they actually do with the Dervish.

The assassin should've gotten a big update itself a long damn time ago.



Jungle Guide

Join Date: May 2005

Hot as hell Florida



Originally Posted by ensoriki
View Post
Dervishes are a stable profession choice, Assassins are not.
Sure skill updates are less but except more Assassin nerfs since we've been getting kicked the RED ENGINE GORED ENGINE GORED ENGINE GORED ENGINE GO over once Factions was released and the PvP community had the PvE assassin nerfed (when it was already struggling in PvE) over and over again, and those issues were not reverted with the PvE/PvP split.

Really the assassin now has 3 specific things it does. Way of the master abuse, Shadow form abuse, Death blossom abuse, castersin isn't doing so well anymore.
That's it.

The dervish can have less notable builds but they play at closer efficiency. It's a more stable profession. After the update they should be even more stable.
If your hoping out for the stability, after the update the Dervish should be the choice.

However as a huge fan of the assassin class though it's practically unrecognizable from what has been throughout the years, the Dervish should be the choice. Of course really it's hard to say because well it depends on what they actually do with the Dervish.

The assassin should've gotten a big update itself a long damn time ago. I have a Sin and a Derv, and just judging from the content on PvXWiki, your assertions are baseless, as the Sin has considerably more Meta penetration than the Derv, who has one.

Also, the Sin's abilities are more self consistent, with a great primary attribute that contributes to every build barring runners and casting farming builds.

Given that the major update to the Sin was nerfing Shadow Form to no longer be an uber-skill, its hard to reconcile your claims of the profession needing a big update. Its got great survivability in the PvE skills, and can outdamage every other physical class in the game by a large margin.

Hardly an argument for a class needing help, whereas the Dervish is in drastic need of some major buffing and HOPEFULLY some mechanics changes that will, if not compete at least make it somewhat attractive beyond the cool armors and cool dance flip. As it stands now, the Dervish has no role that another class cannot do better and with greater efficiency and survivability.

All I'm hoping for is that ANet closes this gap a little, and makes the Derv into the hybrid melee/caster he's supposed to be, instead of relying on attack skill spam alone to accomplish anything.



Forge Runner

Join Date: Aug 2006

Canada bro.



The dervish can have less notable builds but they play at closer efficiency. It's a more stable profession

Way of the master abuse, Shadow form abuse, Death blossom abuse, Assassin builds legit are exactly what I said they are.
Your Meta builds, the great builds, all fall under 3 skills. WoTM abuse, SF abuse, and DB abuse. Their instable coming from the idea that their efficiency is dependent on 1 of 3 skills whether they are Meta or not.

The dervish scythe isn't Meta because the assassin does it better however the dervish has less gap between it's builds then the Assassin does.
Hell if the goal was just to make Dervishes have meta shit, that's stupid damn easy.

Consider how everyone is just fine staying with 3 crux skills for assassins. If the goal was just making Dervishes at a "Meta" level, that's not hard, dart board buffs do that shit all the time.



Jungle Guide

Join Date: May 2005

Hot as hell Florida



Originally Posted by ensoriki View Post
Assassin builds legit are exactly what I said they are.
Your Meta builds, the great builds, all fall under 3 skills. WoTM abuse, SF abuse, and DB abuse. Their instable coming from the idea that their efficiency is dependent on 1 of 3 skills whether they are Meta or not.

The dervish scythe isn't Meta because the assassin does it better however the dervish has less gap between it's builds then the Assassin does.
Hell if the goal was just to make Dervishes have meta shit, that's stupid damn easy.

Consider how everyone is just fine staying with 3 crux skills for assassins. If the goal was just making Dervishes at a "Meta" level, that's not hard, dart board buffs do that shit all the time. I wasn't saying that the merit of a profession is its number of meta builds according to PvXWiki, I was using that as an example of build diversity throughout the community.

And you keep saying that all Sin builds are based on 3 different skills, but the meta for them has changed over time, to include elites like Moebius and others, not to mention Seeping in PvP.

The Dervish has ONE build that is accepted as the best in PvE, and that is the Zealous attack spammer, with all others falling short. You can do the Soldier's Stance build, but that is dependent on a secondary Elite, indicating the class isn't as "stable" as the Sin, whatever that means.

You can run a Wounding Strike build in PvP, but that's generally inefficient to other more survivable and efficient professions.

You're right, the Dervish has less gap, in fact it has no gap because it only has ONE, whereas the Sin has several. To me, that says the Dervish needs attention to increase build diversity, not give more attention to a class that uses a variety of builds throughout the various gameplay types (i.e. the Sin).



Forge Runner

Join Date: Aug 2006

Canada bro.


And you keep saying that all Sin builds are based on 3 different skills, but the meta for them has changed over time, to include elites like Moebius and others, not to mention Seeping in PvP.
Thats been true for every profession. Professions fall in & out of grace all the time.

You're right, the Dervish has less gap, in fact it has no gap because it only has ONE, whereas the Sin has several. To me, that says the Dervish needs attention to increase build diversity, not give more attention to a class that uses a variety of builds throughout the various gameplay types (i.e. the Sin). thats true only if you believe PvX to be the only "truth" of what is a good build.
Outside of current efficiency the Dervish is less linear, after the updtae, considering where the Assassin is in it's life time; The dervish should be better off after the update than the assassin, who's just gotten bandaid fixes over it's issues.



Jungle Guide

Join Date: May 2005

Hot as hell Florida



Originally Posted by ensoriki View Post
Thats been true for every profession. Professions fall in & out of grace all the time.

thats true only if you believe PvX to be the only "truth" of what is a good build.
Outside of current efficiency the Dervish is less linear, after the updtae, considering where the Assassin is in it's life time; The dervish should be better off after the update than the assassin, who's just gotten bandaid fixes over it's issues. Thats true, however since the advent of Nightfall, both PvE and PvP options for the Dervish have been extremely limited, especially when compared to the Assassin. Including farming, general, PvE, PvP, and specific dungeon builds, I probably had well over 20 or 30 Sin builds at one time. As for the Dervish, maybe 5 to 10. And those 10 were not very different, usually just a different elite.

As I said, I don't believe PvXWiki to be the truth of the build community, but it IS a good metric which to gauge the community's interest at large in a profession in general. If "meta" and "great" builds for Sins outnumber Dervs 5 to 1, you know there is a balance issue, especially when some builds are basically Dervs with Critical Strikes.

And your comment makes no sense, seeing as how we have no idea what or how ANet will change the Dervish class, it could be a complete mechanics revamp or simply making AoHM unusable by anyone but primary Dervs. And I'm unsure what you mean by "less linear" unless you're specifically referring to attack skill chains of the Sin, but even those are subject to quite a bit of modification, whereas the Dervish pretty much as the same three attack skills glued to his bar regardless of area or enemy.