ign: Unholey Warior
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Obviously this thread hasn't been bumped for a while. This is mainly due to me finishing my wisdom title a few weeks ago. Now I just sell all the unids I get, and with them, goes the mods too. That being said, I'm going to make everything here half price, and bump the thread a few more times before discontinuing it. If you're interested in anything, post for it with the price listed below, I'll sell for half of whatever that is. Thanks to everyone who bought stuff over the past few months.
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Starting of with mods:
x3 Strength and Honor: 500g each
x3 I Have the Power: 1k each
x6 Guided by Fate: 500g each
x1 Don't Think Twice: 500g each
x6 Sheltered by Faith: 2k each
x1 Dance with Death: 500g each
x0 Brawn over Brains: 500g each
x0 Aptitude not Attitude: 6k each
x3 Hale and Hearty: 2k each
x2 Sieze the Day: 1k each
x4 Riders on the Storm: 2k each
x0 Through Thick and Thin: 2k each
x1 Sleep Now in the Fire: 3k each
x4 Leaf on the Wind: 2k each
x5 Run for your Life: 2k each
x0 Luck of the Draw: 5k each
x4 Have Faith: 1k each
x2 Too Much Information: 500g each
x2 Let the Memory Live Again: 500g each
x1 Like A Rolling Stone: 3k each
x1 Nothing to Fear: 1k each
x0 Live for Today: 2k each
x0 Not the Face!: 2k each
x0 The Riddle of Steel: 2k each
x3 Fortitude: 3k each
x5 20% Enchant: 3k each
x0 Oldschool 10/10 Sundering: 15k each
x1 20/20 Sundering: 3k each
x5 Zealous: 2k each
x0 10/10 Furious: 2k each
x2 Vamp: 2k each
x0 Fortitude: 5k each
x1 Endurance: 3k each
x1 Valor: 2k each
x0 Devotion: 3k each
x0 20% Enchant: 5k each
x0 20/20 Sundering: 3k each
x0 Fortitude: 4k each
x1 Zealous: 2k each
x2 Vamp: 2k each
x1 Silencing: 500g each
x0 Furious: 2k each
x9 Fortitude: 3k each
x6 Zealous: 4k each
x3 20% Enchant: 3k each
x3 Hale Staff Head: 3k each
x5 Staff Wrap of Fortitude: 3k each
x9 Insightful Staff Head: 3k each
x0 20% Enchant: 5k each
x0 Adept Staff Head: 4k each
x3 Wrap of Quickening: 1k each
x4 Wrap of Memory: 2k each
x0 Core of Aptitude: 3k each
x1 Core of Fortitude: 3k each
x2 Fortitude: 2k each
x0 20% Enchant: 750g each
x1 Heavy Haft: 500g each
x2 Zealous: 1k each
x2 20/20 Sundering: 1k each
x2 Vamp: 1k each
x7 20/20 Sundering: 2k each
x3 Zealous: 1k each
x1 Fiery: 500g each
x0 Fortitude: 3k each
x2 Vamp: 2k each
x2 20% Enchant: 2k each
x3 20/20 Sundering: 2k each
x1 Vamp: 1k each
x0 Zealous: 1k each
x1 Furious: 2k each
x0 Fortitude: 3k each
x1 20% Enchant: 5k each
x1 Zealous: 5k each
x0 Fortitude: 3k each
x1 Vamp: 2k each
x0 20/20 Sundering: 2k each
Random Weapons:
Unless otherwise stated, all are inscribable.
The exception to this is, of course, greens.
r9 Flamberge: 8k
r9 Ornate Scimitar: 5k
r9 Dadao Sword: 7k
r9 Steel Broadsword: 5k
r9 Dead Sword: 5k
r9 Dead Sword: 5k
r9 Dead Sword: 5k
r9 Fanged Sword: 7k
r9 Long Sword: 10k
r9 Jade Sword: 10k
r11 Colossal Scimitar: 4k
r11 Ele Sword: 2k
r11 Shinobi Blade: 6k
r11 Shinobi Blade: 6k
r12 Katana: 5k
r12 Celestial Sword: 5k
r12 Vertebreaker: 3k
r12 Flamberge: 3k
r9 Stone Crusher: 7k
r12 Magma's Arm: 4k
r9 Ceremonial Daggers (UNINSC, 15%w/e): 5k
r13 Salient Daggers: 4k
r11 Ornate Spear: 4k
r12 Greater Guardian Spear: 5k
r9 Razorclaw Scythe: 4k
r10 Razorclaw Scythe: 3k
r11 Draconic Scythe: 20k
r11 Draconic Scythe: 20k
r11 Bonecage Scythe: 20k
r9 (Tac) Kappa Shield: 10k
r10 (Mot) Aureate Aegis: 7k
r10 (Tac) Gloom Shield: 3k
r9 Celestial Axe: 20k
r9 Celestial Axe: 20k
r9 Dwarven Axe: 15k
r9 Gothic Axe: 7k
r9 Fiery Blade Axe: 7k
r10 Sickle (Tyrian skin): 4k
r10 Dragoncrest Axe (UNINSC 15^50 inherent): 5k
r11 Fiery Blade Axe: 2k
r11 Celestial Axe: 10k
r11 Dwarven Axe: 8k
r11 Dwarven Axe: 8k
r11 Stygian Reaver: 8k
r12 Celestial Axe: 5k
r9 (Divine) Serpentine Scepter: 30k
r11 (Soul) Straw Effigy: 4k
r9 Fire Staff (Core skin, UNINSC, 20/10): 10k
r9 (Divine) Shadow Staff: 4k
r9 (Divine) Holy Branch: 5k
r9 (Divine) Holy Branch: 5k
r9 (Divine) Divine Staff: 5k
r9 (Heal) Divine Staff: 8k
r10 (Air) Cockatrice Staff (UNINSC, 20/10): 5k
Havok's Maul: 1k
Scythe of Corruption: 5k
Urgoz's Shortbow: 2k
Urgoz's Flatbow: 3k
Urgoz's Flatbow: 3k
Aegis of Terror: 10k
Divine Shadow Staff: 3k
Divine Shadow Staff: 3k
Everlasting Shadow Staff: 3k
Everlasting Shadow Staff: 3k
The Stonebreaker (wand): 2k
Shaunur's Scepter: 1k
Scepter of the Kinslayer: 1k