WTS Drunk, Party & Sweet Points Items



Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: May 2008

GMT +8

Hi all,
Putting all the following items for bid:

To bid or b/o, just write down (a) item, (b) offer price or b/o price, (c) quantity & (d) IGN.

P/S: Number that appear before the item is the quantity
E.g. 229 Eggnog = 229 pieces of Eggnog not 229 mins of Eggnog.

B/O prices TBD

~~ Drunk Point Items ~~
S/B of Drunk Point is 70g each point

< Max use min/s = 1 >
229 Eggnog
80 Hunter's Ale
35 Shamrock Ale
14 Vial of Absinthe
22 Witch's Brew

< Max use min/s = 3 >
110 Aged Hunter's Ale
24 Bottle of Grog
55 Flask of Firewater
13 Spiked Eggnog

5 Keg of Aged Hunter's Ale (50 uses each), S/B = 13,000g each keg

@@ Party Point Items @@
S/B of Party Point is 100g each point

< 1 point per use >
146 Bottle Rocket
154 Champagne Popper
139 Sparkler
32 Snowman Summoner

< 2 points per use >
104 Cottontail Tonic
1486 Frosty Tonic
40 Mischievous Tonic
17 Sinister Auto Tonic

< 3 points per use >
162 Crate of Fireworks

< 5 points per use >
143 Mysterious Tonic

< 7 points per use >
20 Disco Ball

## Sweet Tooth Point Items ##
S/B of Sweet Tooth Point is 120g each point

< 1 point per use >
379 Fruitcake
30 Sugary Blue Drink

< 2 points per use >
16 Chocolate Bunny
170 Jar of Honey
19 Red Bean Cake

< 3 points per use >
45 Crème Brûlée

I reserve all rights to my items & decisions etc etc. E. & O. E.

My IGN = Funky Trick or Anti Depression Mix

Thank you for reading & have a nice day.



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Jul 2009

My Character Liked Gwen [First]


S/B on

146 Bottle Rocket
154 Champagne Popper
139 Sparkler
32 Snowman Summoner
20 Disco Ball

379 Fruitcake
30 Sugary Blue Drink
170 Jar of Honey
19 Red Bean Cake
45 Crème Brûlée

IGN: Ray Darklight


Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Mar 2008


S/B on the Frosty Tonics

IGN: Scythemaster Jony



Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: May 2009

Guild Wars, Earth?


s/b on these alcohol:

110 Aged Hunter's Ale
24 Bottle of Grog
55 Flask of Firewater
13 Spiked Eggnog

s/b on all the kegs @ 13k

IGN: Hime Mai Tokiha



Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: May 2008

GMT +8


Will contact bidders in game if there's no new bid after 3 BUMPs

The Baphomet

The Baphomet

Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Jan 2009

CST / UTC -6

In Memorium [iBot]


229 Eggnog=18230g
80 Hunter's Ale=6400g
110 Aged Hunter's Ale=26400g
24 Bottle of Grog=5760
55 Flask of Firewater=13200
13 Spiked Eggnog=3120
(80g per point for alc)

146 Bottle Rocket=17520
154 Champagne Popper=18480
139 Sparkler=16680
32 Snowman Summoner=3840
(120g per point for party)

379 Fruitcake=53060
30 Sugary Blue Drink=4200
16 Chocolate Bunny=4480
170 Jar of Honey=47600
19 Red Bean Cake=5320
45 Crème Brûlée=18900
(140g per point for sweets)

Ariena Najea

Ariena Najea

Silence and Motion

Join Date: Jul 2006

Buffalo NY

New Horizon [NH]

120g/point on the Disco Balls

IGN Ariena Najea


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: May 2010

150g/each for all sweet points

ign Angel Dea



Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Jun 2009

Gallarate, VA Italy

Bring Your Own Biatch [BYOB]


90g ea / 22e all for alcohol

IGN Erebo Il Cupo



Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: May 2010

Kama america-dis 1 :o

Straight To The [BanK]


130g/ea for all the spam party pts

IGN: White Is Fashion



Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Sep 2006


The Royal Dragon Riders [TRDR]


s/b on:
Crates of Fireworks
Mysterious tonics
sinister auto tonics
mischievous tonics
cottontail tonics

IGN: The Rabbit Warrior



Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: May 2008

GMT +8


Will contact winning bidders in game after the next bump


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Apr 2008

1000 Frosty tonics

IGN Naria The Protector


Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Mar 2008


the other 486 frosty tonics - still 100 per point

all of the: mysterious, sinister, mischievous, cottontail -110 per point



Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: May 2008

GMT +8

Winning bidders are as below:

~~ Drunk Point Items ~~
MYSTAKE / Erebo Il Cupo
90g ea / 22e all for alcohol
Total Drunk mins = 1,736, Total gold = 156,240
Status = Delivered, 20/5, Erebo
@@ Party Point Items @@
mockme14 / Scythemaster Jony
the other 486 frosty tonics - still 100 per point
all of the: mysterious, sinister, mischievous, cottontail -110 per point
Total Party pts = 2,009, Total gold = 211,270
Status = Delivered, 19/5, JonyNaria / Naria The Protector
1000 Frosty tonics
Total Party pts = 2,000 , Total gold = 220,000
Status = Delivered, 18/5, Naria
Rabbit28 / The Rabbit Warrior
s/b on:
Crates of Fireworks
Total Party pts = 972 , Total gold = 46,600
Status =
Lolwut1337 / White Is Fashion
130g/ea for all the spam party pts
Total Party pts = 471, Total gold = 61,230
Status = Delivered 20/5, Lolwut1337Ariena Najea
120g/point on the Disco Balls
Total Party pts = 140, Total gold = 16,800
Status = Delivered 25/5, Ariena## Sweet Tooth Point Items ##
macgat / Angel Dea
150g/each for all sweet points
Status = Delivered, 18/5, Tyrael XXX

Thank you