I am just so shocked at my Guild / Alliance...
i agree with you they do dtsc which i was on the impression was a faction farming and your doing regular farming for cash to buy something. not that big of a difference to me its all farming for one thing or another.
OP is either a really good troll or a really bad communicator ...either way I'm callin shenanigans
I'm also going to call BS on one or all parties of this alleged conversation.
Tell them you got a great idea for a cape that u wanna show them...become leader kick everyone and disband alliance....paybacks a bitch muhahaha
Farming is as much a part of this game as titles is or pvp...they dont like it then tell them to stfu.
Farming is as much a part of this game as titles is or pvp...they dont like it then tell them to stfu.
Gabriel of Ravn
This one wins.
What is your opinion? I am having trouble accepting people actually believe this...? I mean some of these are Veterans, with 1300+ hours, and Obby armor / Chaos Gloves, and I just don't get it. I doubt an entire alliance would form some kind joke brigade just to mess with me, when I'm not even that well known in it?
Tell them that there's no way in hell they got all the plat for their gear by playing through missions (powertrading excluded, which I address below). And if they were doing anything repetitively with the intention of getting the money for the gear, they were basically farming.
Most likely they're either jealous or you were saying it in a douche-like manner. In my opinion, its OK to farm. Powertrading is real greed, since it basically manipulates and takes advantage of individuals rather than the game as a whole.
seems like your alliance is a cross gene of two breeds of carebear. the self-righteous obnoxious carebear, while possessing strong traits of the middle-aged forever newbie carebear. interesting, interesting indeed.
i am the darwin of guild wars and i shall log this in my records book. |
OT: You're alliance sounds like a bunch of bad players. I would troll them and then leave.
"You don't NEED Elite Armor, or a rare skin" |
anywho they're kinda wrong, with you farming you're not taking away the items from anyone else, and no you don't NEED elite armour you WANT elite armour. isn't that why this is a game? because we can do what we WANT?
anywho they all kinda sound craxy :O!
I'll tell you what's selfish, all the people running around asking for free stuff in towns. The "Can someone give me this or that for free?". I don't mind helping out someone new to the game but seriously, I see the same person doing that again and again and I'll refer them to some threads on farming so they can pay for their own stuff. lol
I can't say about your actual guild/alliance though. If they were serious about it and not ribbing you, then I'd move on. Though that's if it's more than just a handful of people. I mean, I've seen a little bit of both to be honest, people who were totally into farming and others totally into speed-clears, etc. I just team up with the ones in my guild that have the same interests I do.
Bottom line, the idea is for you to have fun playing and if where you're at isn't working out, move on and find a guild that does. Ironically, most of the farming tips I've learned for doing things like gift of the traveler or for money for armor and stuff, was from fellow guild and alliance members.
I can't say about your actual guild/alliance though. If they were serious about it and not ribbing you, then I'd move on. Though that's if it's more than just a handful of people. I mean, I've seen a little bit of both to be honest, people who were totally into farming and others totally into speed-clears, etc. I just team up with the ones in my guild that have the same interests I do.
Bottom line, the idea is for you to have fun playing and if where you're at isn't working out, move on and find a guild that does. Ironically, most of the farming tips I've learned for doing things like gift of the traveler or for money for armor and stuff, was from fellow guild and alliance members.
Martin Alvito
farming for items and skins u want isn't greedy its just a goal but farming for the purpose of just having money and go into a town and say "look at my rare armor/mini i am better than you" "i have stacks of ectos that means i am pro" those are greedy ppl who want money for what they think is power.
your alliance sounds like loads of these so called "pro" ppl and just dont want u to get the things u want
your alliance sounds like loads of these so called "pro" ppl and just dont want u to get the things u want
Well anyways, I got kicked today. Dunno why, I just logged on and noticed I was Guild-less.
Maybe thye saw this post, shouldn't have posted my name.
Maybe thye saw this post, shouldn't have posted my name.
Charlie Dayman
Sounds like a classic case of butthurt to me. Good riddance to them, you don't need to put up with such nonsense.
belladonna shylock
You're not in a guild. You're in a Cult.
Bob Slydell
Good. But I mean good as in good for you. You didn't need those kind of people anyway, It's best at this point to get into a guild of people just like you or go alone, either way them kicking you has no effect on your farming so you can go on enjoying the game. Flip them the finger one last time and then just forget about em.
Ouch, you got kicked? I still stick by my opinion that excessive faming is indeed greedy, but you geting kicked over it is a bit ouchy
So I told someone I was farming...and the most...I dunno, it was so odd.
All of a sudden people started bashing me. Said that "farming was greedy" And that to prove I wasn't greedy, I should donate all my stuff to noobs. Now, you think this was in jest, But they really started making reasons "You don't NEED Elite Armor, or a rare skin" I honestly am having trouble believing this, but it seems a good portion of my Alliance believes that farming somehow is being greedy, and hurting the game. Now, I Raptor farm, and 95% of the stuff I find is Merch food, or I sell 10 Unids for 5k(Alot less expensive than others) So that people can get their title. What is your opinion? I am having trouble accepting people actually believe this...? I mean some of these are Veterans, with 1300+ hours, and Obby armor / Chaos Gloves, and I just don't get it. I doubt an entire alliance would form some kind joke brigade just to mess with me, when I'm not even that well known in it? |
and yes farming is greedy... wat do u do this for? to get gold to buy ur stuff... like if ure telling me u like farming and u enjoy it (not because it gives u gold, ud do it even if u didnt get anything), then its not greedy, but honestly i wouldnt believe any that says that... farming is just a waste of time, esp in a game like gw, u farm years to get same stuff as ppl whove been actually playing the game but with different looks
Silmar Alech
If you have fun with farming, do it. That is the core purpose of this kind of game - having fun. So if someone wants to tell you to not do certain things because it is greedy, or whatever, is plain wrong, since he is going to take away your fun.
Having 100p instead of 10p is fun, since you can buy many more things as soon as you feel the demand.
Looking on a well-dressed character instead of a somewhat dull starter armor is fun.
It is fun to be able to do anything I'd like to do (as long as it doesn't violate the EULA)
It seems to me your (ex-)guild's notion of fun is not quite the same as mine and probably as yours.
If they say farming is boring, I would agree. But saying farming is greedy, is in fact ridiculous.
Having 100p instead of 10p is fun, since you can buy many more things as soon as you feel the demand.
Looking on a well-dressed character instead of a somewhat dull starter armor is fun.
It is fun to be able to do anything I'd like to do (as long as it doesn't violate the EULA)
It seems to me your (ex-)guild's notion of fun is not quite the same as mine and probably as yours.
If they say farming is boring, I would agree. But saying farming is greedy, is in fact ridiculous.
And getting a reward for AFK'ing is fair?