Bots in JQ out of control and ANet does nothing?
Really, anyone who plays JQ who is reading this should understand what I'm talking about. I've been playing JQ for quite a long time and there used to be the occasional bot, however in the past month or so, I find myself facing Luxon teams comprised of a majority of bots, I mean like 6/8 players if not 8/8. I'm enjoying the easy wins, but why should I be playing the game, when so many people are getting away with botting?
I tried e-mailing Anet and have recieved no reply, does anyone know anything else I can try? I think we used to be able to contact Gaile Gray directly about these issues, but of course that's not an option now. over I guess. I just find it amazing that they get away with such blatant botting.
I tried e-mailing Anet and have recieved no reply, does anyone know anything else I can try? I think we used to be able to contact Gaile Gray directly about these issues, but of course that's not an option now. over I guess. I just find it amazing that they get away with such blatant botting.
To Chicken To Die
It's not only that anet does nothing. It's cus they are short on staff and not skillfull enough to deal with the problem. For example I have reported a player leeching by sending an email to the support including usernames, time + timezone and the reason of violation. This including the amount of leech reports in-game and reaction of other player and the respond the leecher made in a whisper to me saying he did this for some time and never got his account suspended before were not enough to suspend this player from JQ. And yet there investigation of this matter was faster then the respond to a question regarding sync in RA wich was send before the leech report (both responded by the same Senior GM)
So either the support team is slacking with reports or/and the design team can't solve the problem and therefore can't take actions.
So either the support team is slacking with reports or/and the design team can't solve the problem and therefore can't take actions.
Remove the bots from JQ and there won't be enough players left to have a match. Derp.
Eragon Zarroc
Please look at the forums before posting a new thread.
The uber bot rant thread is right here.
You could have easily posted your opinion in that thread without making a new one.
The uber bot rant thread is right here.
You could have easily posted your opinion in that thread without making a new one.
Sarevok Thordin
I'd rather kick bots out personally and risk waiting for people to return on JQ Mission day than let this continue. They are botting, take everything away from them.
Move Down
NCsoft does nothing they kicked me when i was farming raptors and said i was using a bot.
Then they simply close it and say its final thats what they do they let bots continue and ban innocent people .
Then they simply close it and say its final thats what they do they let bots continue and ban innocent people .
Zahr Dalsk
For kurzicks this would result in unreasonably long wait times, since the bots are almost all luxon.
Let me think here. The JQ map involves capturing static shrines populated by stationary, rock-dumb NPC's that can't even be bothered to move the ---- out of area of effect of a nuke.
ANet failed it's war on bots in the design document. Little too late for them to do anything.
On this topic, the LIVE team wasn't even sure if they had the expertise gimp synching back in the day. They needed to consult the server coder who was working on GW2 at the time. This suggests that they're all scripters, not coders. They simply do not have the expertise to do anything.
ANet failed it's war on bots in the design document. Little too late for them to do anything.
On this topic, the LIVE team wasn't even sure if they had the expertise gimp synching back in the day. They needed to consult the server coder who was working on GW2 at the time. This suggests that they're all scripters, not coders. They simply do not have the expertise to do anything.
I played JQ in the last couple of days and seen that Luxons use follow bots/ele bots/rit bots, while Kurzicks go around with interrupt bots and the occasional follow bot.
Not to count the tens of dudes who just leave as soon as they load.
The current status: JQ sucks more than ever.
I simply moved to something else. Bye bye JQ it is unplayable now.
I see many players bitching and reporting, but no one from ANet's side moves a finger.
Can't help the feeling that this game is dead and buried, since ANet doesn't care AT ALL.
Not to count the tens of dudes who just leave as soon as they load.
The current status: JQ sucks more than ever.
I simply moved to something else. Bye bye JQ it is unplayable now.
I see many players bitching and reporting, but no one from ANet's side moves a finger.
Can't help the feeling that this game is dead and buried, since ANet doesn't care AT ALL.
Zarion Silverarrow
For kurzicks this would result in unreasonably long wait times, since the bots are almost all luxon.
At the moment,it is updated and works for both,but kurzicks had an advantage of getting it first...
I do not bot,post on the site that has bots,or know anyone that bots. I just go to the site to know what is out there and what not.
A while ago I found a rupting bot in JQ that could kill any caster with 2-3 rupts, so I watched that build and decided to use it. Last time I played JQ I was almost reported for botting because the build was so annoyingly good. 
But in my experience in JQ, I've only seen one followbot; I can't tell the difference between the bots and Luxons. I mean, I've probably seen a couple elebots and monkbots, but is there a way to actually tell if they're bots aside from the movement paths, walking, skill sequences, etc?
Is Anet just too concentrated on developing GW2 or do they, yeah, just not care about GW? Or both?

But in my experience in JQ, I've only seen one followbot; I can't tell the difference between the bots and Luxons. I mean, I've probably seen a couple elebots and monkbots, but is there a way to actually tell if they're bots aside from the movement paths, walking, skill sequences, etc?
Is Anet just too concentrated on developing GW2 or do they, yeah, just not care about GW? Or both?
Zahr Dalsk
Different bot, then. It's been well known amongst both kurzicks and luxons that the bots are almost all on the luxon side - the luxons hate it very much.
Mantra of Resolve problem solved. I take it everytime I play JQ. Quit biatchin and just use skills to beat them.
For kurzicks this would result in unreasonably long wait times, since the bots are almost all luxon.
By the way the only reason I don't play JQ on the Luxon side is that I've no intention of playing if half my team are bots. Also, I believe botting is botting is against the rules. If banning the bots result in no matches, so be it, really.
Karate Jesus
Why isn't this posted in the near 30 page thread concerning bots in general?
Already a thread. Cloooossssseeeeddddd