16 May 2010 at 17:30 - 1
There are a number of different items up for sale this time! Each section is different, so make sure to read the section headings to know how to bid/buy. Thanks for looking!
Rare Oldschool Staves
I have decided to sell off part of my collection of rare Tyrian and Canthan staves, as well as some inscription ones hiding along with them. It took a while to find many of these attributes, so I hope I am doing some collectors a favor! All of the below staves are r9 with inherent 20% HSR and 10% HCT unless noted with an [insc] tag. There is no hidden reserve, so everything that gets a bid will be sold.
Celestial Staves
s/b for each 20/10 staff is 30k, b/o is 100k or 14e
Fire Magic SOLD
Water Magic - c/o Gondrakif 50k PENDING
Blood Magic A - c/o Shadetz X 30k PENDING
Blood Magic B - c/o Shadetz X 30k PENDING
Curses SOLD
Smiting Prayers - c/o Shadetz X 30k PENDING
Communing SOLD
Channeling Magic - c/o Gift3d 40k PENDING
Spawning Power SOLD
Illusion Magic - c/o SOLD

Ghostly Staves
s/b for each 20/10 staff is 20k, b/o is 70k or 10e
s/b for each insc staff is 10k, b/o is 35k or 5e
Channeling Magic [20/10]
Communing [20/10] - c/o Shadetz X 20k PENDING
Water Magic [20/10] - c/o Dag Z 20k PENDING
Soul Reaping [insc] SOLD
Inspiration Magic [insc] - c/o 10k Wailim PENDING
Energy Storage [insc] - c/o ykorat_vadi B/O PENDING
Spawning Power [insc] SOLD

Zodiac Staves
s/b for each 20/10 staff is 20k, b/o is 70k or 10e
s/b for each insc staff is 10k, b/o is 35k or 5e
Divine Favor [20/10] SOLD
Illusion Magic [20/10] - [highlsight]SOLD[/highlight]
Inspiration Magic [insc] SOLD
Energy Storage [insc] SOLD

Shadow Staves
s/b for each 20/10 staff is 15k, b/o is 50k or 7e
s/b for each insc staff is 10k, b/o is 28k or 4e
Fire Magic [20/10] - c/o SOLD
Blood Magic A [20/10]
Blood Magic B [20/10]
Water Magic [20/10] - c/o Frozen Ele 15k PENDING
Death Magic [20/10] SOLD
Smiting Prayers [20/10]
Channeling Magic [20/10]
Soul Reaping [insc]
Spawning Power [insc]
For this section, all items are r9 gold with an inscription slot unless otherwise noted. Some useful mods are listed next to the item they are on. All items are B/O only, and the following discounts apply!Buy 15 or more items from this section - 20% discount
Buy 10-14 items from this section - 15% discount
Buy 5-9 items from this section - 10% discount

Golden Phoenix Blade [Defense] - 15k SOLD
Jade Sword [non-insc, 15^50, Fortitude] - 10k SOLD
Sephis Sword [Furious] - 4k SOLD
Fiery Dragon Sword - 2k
Long Sword [Zealous] - 2k SOLD
Flamberge [non-insc +5e] - 5k

Twin Hammer - 3k
Runic Hammer [Vampiric] - 2k SOLD

Adamantine Shield r8 Tactics/AL15 Blue - 5k
Aegis r8 Tactics/AL15 Blue - 5k
Skull Shield (Tactics) [non-insc, +9 vs Fire, -2 stance] - 5k
Reinforced Defender (Motivation) - 2k
Reinforced Defender (Command) - 2k

Eternal Bow [non-insc, +5e, Crippling] - 35k SOLD
Mursaat Hornbow [non-insc, +15 stance, Vamp, Fortitude] - 5k
Celestial Longbow [non-insc, +15 enchanted] - 2k PENDING to Gondrakif
Composite Bow [15^50, Defense] - 2k SOLD
Aureate Longbow [15^50, Fiery, Fortitude] - 3k
Feathered Longbow [Silencing] - 2k
Half Moon [15^50, Crippling, +30] - 3k
Shortbow [Icy] - 2k PENDING to Gondrakif

Celestial Daggers [15^50, Zealous, +30] - 20k SOLD
Celestial Daggers [non-insc 15^50, Zealous] - 20k SOLD
Butterfly Knives [Vampiric, Shelter] - 2k SOLD
Bronze Daggers [15^50, Shocking] - 2k SOLD
Dirks [15^50, Zealous, +30 - 3k SOLD
Dirks [15^50, Defense] - 2k SOLD
Korambits [15^50, Shelter] - 2k SOLD
Stilletos [15^50, Furious, Shelter] - 2k SOLD
Stilletos [15^50, Icy, Warding] - 2k SOLD
Savage [15^50, Shocking] - 2k SOLD

Guardian Spear [15^50] - 5k
Guardian Spear (r10 Spear Mastery) - 2k
Guardian Spear (r12 Spear Mastery) [15^50, +30] - 2k PENDING to v_uzi_v
Banded Spear [+5e, 20% enchanting] - 3k PENDING to v_uzi_v

Razorclaw Scythe [15^50, Shelter] - 2k SOLD
Ornate Scythe [15 ench, Cruel, +30] - 3k

Caster Wands, Foci, Staves
Wenslauss' Faith (Green, Divine Favor) - 1k SOLD
Holy Rod (Divine Favor) [Memory] - 2k SOLD
Holy Staff (Divine Favor) - 1k SOLD
Onyx Staff (Divine Favor) - 10k SOLD
Divine Symbol (Divine Favor) [Life for Today] - 2k SOLD
Protective Wand (Protection Prayers) [Seize the Day, Memory] - 3k SOLD
Protective Wand (Protection Prayers) [Memory] - 2k SOLD
Protective Staff (Protection Prayers) - 1k SOLD
Smiting Rod (Smiting Prayers) [Seize the Day, Memory] A - 3k SOLD
Smiting Rod (Smiting Prayers) [Seize the Day, Memory] B - 3k SOLD
Smiting Rod (Smiting Prayers) [Memory] - 2k SOLD
Hallowed Idol (Smiting Prayers) [Aptitude] - 2k SOLD
Crimson Claw Scepter (Soul Reaping) [Memory] - 2k
Cane (Domination Magic) [Memory] - 2k
PENDING to Wailim
Platinum Wand (Energy Storage) [Quickening] - 2k
Earth Staff (Orrian/Obsidian skin) - 10k SOLD
Air Wand [Aptitude not Attitude, Memory] - 3k SOLD
Harmonic Rod (Communing) [Memory] - 2k
Fill up your HoM in style, or cheap! All minipets are undedicated.
Asura - 80k
Celestial Ox - 60k
Varesh - 50k SOLD
Pig (NOT Celestial) - 10k SOLD
Kirin - 3k
Palawa Joko - 5k
Elf - 5k
White Pack, includes the following: - 15kHydra
Seige Turtle x2
Wind Rider
Heket Warrior
Fungal Wallow x2
Fire Imp
Harpy Ranger
Thorn Wolf
Temple Guardian
Cons and Gear
All items except for the candy are B/O only.
Elite Monk Tome - 7k
133 Eggnog - 9k (67g/each) SOLD
86 Candy Apples - SOLD
44 Candy Corn - SOLD
All items are B/O only, but some discounts apply!Buy 15 or more items from this section - 20% discount
Buy 10-14 items from this section - 15% discount
Buy 5-9 items from this section - 10% discount
Seize the Day - 1k
Aptitude not Attitude A - 5k SOLD
Aptitude not Attitude B - 5k SOLD
Aptitude not Attitude C - 5k SOLD
Aptitude not Attitude D - 5k SOLD
Aptitude not Attitude E - 5k SOLD
Adept Staff Head A - 4k
Adept Staff Head B - 4k SOLD
Adept Staff Head C - 4k SOLD
Adept Staff Head D - 4k SOLD
Adept Staff Head E - 4k SOLD
Adept Staff Head F - 4k SOLD
Adept Staff Head G - 4k SOLD
Insightful Staff Head A - 1k
Insightful Staff Head B - 1k
Insightful Staff Head C - 1k
Insightful Staff Head D - 1k
Insightful Staff Head E - 1k
Insightful Staff Head F - 1k SOLD
Insightful Staff Head G - 1k SOLD
Staff Wrapping of Enchanting A - 4k
Staff Wrapping of Enchanting B - 4k
Staff Wrapping of Enchanting C - 4k
Staff Wrapping of Enchanting D - 4k
Staff Attribute Wrappings Oldschool Pack: - 5k SOLDDivine Favor x3
Healing Prayers x2
Protection Prayers
Domination Magic
Restoration Magic
Earth Magic
Vampiric Sword Hilt - 1k
Sword Pommel of Enchanting - 3k
Furious Axe Haft - 1k
Axe Grip of Enchanting - 1k
Sundering Dagger Tang A - 1k
Sundering Dagger Tang B - 1k
Dagger Handle of Fortitude A - 2k
Dagger Handle of Fortitude B - 2k
Wand Wrapping of Memory A - 1.5k
Wand Wrapping of Memory B - 1.5k
Wand Wrapping of Memory C - 1.5k
Measure for Measure Pack, Includes 11 - 4k
Thanks for looking! Remember to leave your in-game name with your post, as well as the best way to reach you (PM, in-game, email, etc)
16 May 2010 at 17:50 - 2
s/b water shadow staff
16 May 2010 at 19:43 - 3
Eternal Bow [non-insc, +5e, Crippling] - 35k
Aptitude not Attitude A - 5k
Aptitude not Attitude B - 5k
Aptitude not Attitude C - 5k
Aptitude not Attitude D - 5k
Staff Attribute Wrappings Oldschool Pack: - 5k
IGN: Godly Was Neukku
16 May 2010 at 20:09 - 4
I'm looking to buy an insc Ghostly stave (spawning)
IGN: Shana Li
16 May 2010 at 20:22 - 5
Golden Phoenix Blade [Defense] - 15k
IGN: Tomm Windwalker
16 May 2010 at 21:30 - 6
Earth Staff (Orrian/Obsidian skin) - 10k
IGN: Dying Anthem
Edit: Best way to reach me is via in-game.
16 May 2010 at 22:53 - 7
Celestial Staves -> Water Magic s/b 30k
Celestial Daggers [15^50, Zealous, +30] - 20k
IGN Gnar Polerid
Nice collection
Edit: do the non-insc celestial daggers have an inherent inscription?
17 May 2010 at 01:14 - 8
Long Sword 2k
Sephis Sword 4k
Jade Sword 10k
IGN: Enkindler Blades
17 May 2010 at 02:36 - 9
20k on your Insc Energy storage Ghostly staff
17 May 2010 at 10:49 - 10
SB on all the remaining Celestial Staves
SB on Communing [20/10] Ghostly Staff
ign shadetz x
18 May 2010 at 14:53 - 11
Bumping to the top!
Staves that have a good bid will end Friday, otherwise, everything goes on Monday as low as its S/B.
18 May 2010 at 15:05 - 12
Can i reserve the unded asura please ^^? IGN: Use Loreal (i'm in GMT so might take a while to meet in game)
Best way to contact me is through PM on here ;D!
Thanks ! very quick delivery
18 May 2010 at 15:25 - 13
Razorclaw Scythe [15^50, Shelter] - 2k
IGN: Divinity Derived
19 May 2010 at 20:54 - 14
Bumping to the top!
21 May 2010 at 00:11 - 15
Celestial ~ Water Magic [20/10]
Ghostly ~ Water Magic [20/10]
Celestial ~ Illusion Magic [20/10]
Zodiac ~ Illusion Magic [20/10]
Shadow Staff ~ Fire Magic [20/10]
Butterfly Knives [Vampiric, Shelter] - 2k
Bronze Daggers [15^50, Shocking] - 2k
Dirks [15^50, Zealous, +30 - 3k
Dirks [15^50, Defense] - 2k
Korambits [15^50, Shelter] - 2k
Stilletos [15^50, Furious, Shelter] - 2k
Stilletos [15^50, Icy, Warding] - 2k
Savage [15^50, Shocking] - 2k
-Interested in most of these, will have to see in-game to clarify.
Onyx Staff (Divine Favor) - 10k
(if q9) - maybe
IGN: Dag Z / Healing Hugz / Subjugating Zero.
Thanks man!
21 May 2010 at 00:46 - 16
Protective Wand (Protection Prayers) [Memory] - 2k
Ghostly Staff (Inspiration Magic [insc]) - 10k
Cane (Domination Magic) [Memory] - 2k
IGN: Little Miss Face / New Face ii
21 May 2010 at 09:38 - 17
Celestial Staves -> Water Magic 50k
Celestial Longbow [non-insc, +15 enchanted] - 2k
Shortbow [Icy] - 2k
IGN Gnar Polerid
21 May 2010 at 18:54 - 18
50k on illusion celestial staff, 40k on channeling celestial staff
IGN Nostro Dahmus
25 May 2010 at 09:31 - 19
Guardian Spear (r12 Spear Mastery) [15^50, +30]
Banded Spear [+5e, 20% enchanting]
IGN : Uzi Mesmer
25 May 2010 at 12:45 - 20
b/o Ghostly staff Energy Storage Inscriptable
ign: megami na majutsu
25 May 2010 at 12:58 - 21
Final Bump!
ALL staves with bids are now PENDING/SOLD to their respective bidders. Sale will continue for the last few items for 24 more hours. For the remaining staves, the S/B listed is the new B/O.