Canthan Staves, r9 Golds, Cons, Mods

Ariena Najea

Ariena Najea

Silence and Motion

Join Date: Jul 2006

Buffalo NY

New Horizon [NH]

There are a number of different items up for sale this time! Each section is different, so make sure to read the section headings to know how to bid/buy. Thanks for looking!

Rare Oldschool Staves

I have decided to sell off part of my collection of rare Tyrian and Canthan staves, as well as some inscription ones hiding along with them. It took a while to find many of these attributes, so I hope I am doing some collectors a favor! All of the below staves are r9 with inherent 20% HSR and 10% HCT unless noted with an [insc] tag. There is no hidden reserve, so everything that gets a bid will be sold.

Celestial Staves
s/b for each 20/10 staff is 30k, b/o is 100k or 14e

Fire Magic SOLD
Water Magic - c/o Gondrakif 50k PENDING
Blood Magic A - c/o Shadetz X 30k PENDING
Blood Magic B - c/o Shadetz X 30k PENDING
Curses SOLD
Smiting Prayers - c/o Shadetz X 30k PENDING
Communing SOLD
Channeling Magic - c/o Gift3d 40k PENDING
Spawning Power SOLD
Illusion Magic - c/o SOLD

Ghostly Staves
s/b for each 20/10 staff is 20k, b/o is 70k or 10e
s/b for each insc staff is 10k, b/o is 35k or 5e

Channeling Magic [20/10]
Communing [20/10] - c/o Shadetz X 20k PENDING
Water Magic [20/10] - c/o Dag Z 20k PENDING
Soul Reaping [insc] SOLD
Inspiration Magic [insc] - c/o 10k Wailim PENDING
Energy Storage [insc] - c/o ykorat_vadi B/O PENDING
Spawning Power [insc] SOLD

Zodiac Staves
s/b for each 20/10 staff is 20k, b/o is 70k or 10e
s/b for each insc staff is 10k, b/o is 35k or 5e

Divine Favor [20/10] SOLD
Illusion Magic [20/10] - [highlsight]SOLD[/highlight]
Inspiration Magic [insc] SOLD
Energy Storage [insc] SOLD

Shadow Staves
s/b for each 20/10 staff is 15k, b/o is 50k or 7e
s/b for each insc staff is 10k, b/o is 28k or 4e

Fire Magic [20/10] - c/o SOLD
Blood Magic A [20/10]
Blood Magic B [20/10]
Water Magic [20/10] - c/o Frozen Ele 15k PENDING
Death Magic [20/10] SOLD
Smiting Prayers [20/10]
Channeling Magic [20/10]
Soul Reaping [insc]
Spawning Power [insc]


For this section, all items are r9 gold with an inscription slot unless otherwise noted. Some useful mods are listed next to the item they are on. All items are B/O only, and the following discounts apply!Buy 15 or more items from this section - 20% discount Buy 10-14 items from this section - 15% discount Buy 5-9 items from this section - 10% discount


Golden Phoenix Blade [Defense] - 15k SOLD
Jade Sword [non-insc, 15^50, Fortitude] - 10k SOLD
Sephis Sword [Furious] - 4k SOLD
Fiery Dragon Sword - 2k
Long Sword [Zealous] - 2k SOLD
Flamberge [non-insc +5e] - 5k


Twin Hammer - 3k
Runic Hammer [Vampiric] - 2k SOLD


Adamantine Shield r8 Tactics/AL15 Blue - 5k
Aegis r8 Tactics/AL15 Blue - 5k
Skull Shield (Tactics) [non-insc, +9 vs Fire, -2 stance] - 5k
Reinforced Defender (Motivation) - 2k
Reinforced Defender (Command) - 2k


Eternal Bow [non-insc, +5e, Crippling] - 35k SOLD
Mursaat Hornbow [non-insc, +15 stance, Vamp, Fortitude] - 5k
Celestial Longbow [non-insc, +15 enchanted] - 2k PENDING to Gondrakif
Composite Bow [15^50, Defense] - 2k SOLD
Aureate Longbow [15^50, Fiery, Fortitude] - 3k
Feathered Longbow [Silencing] - 2k
Half Moon [15^50, Crippling, +30] - 3k
Shortbow [Icy] - 2k PENDING to Gondrakif


Celestial Daggers [15^50, Zealous, +30] - 20k SOLD
Celestial Daggers [non-insc 15^50, Zealous] - 20k SOLD
Butterfly Knives [Vampiric, Shelter] - 2k SOLD
Bronze Daggers [15^50, Shocking] - 2k SOLD
Dirks [15^50, Zealous, +30 - 3k SOLD
Dirks [15^50, Defense] - 2k SOLD
Korambits [15^50, Shelter] - 2k SOLD
Stilletos [15^50, Furious, Shelter] - 2k SOLD
Stilletos [15^50, Icy, Warding] - 2k SOLD
Savage [15^50, Shocking] - 2k SOLD


Guardian Spear [15^50] - 5k
Guardian Spear (r10 Spear Mastery) - 2k
Guardian Spear (r12 Spear Mastery) [15^50, +30] - 2k PENDING to v_uzi_v
Banded Spear [+5e, 20% enchanting] - 3k PENDING to v_uzi_v


Razorclaw Scythe [15^50, Shelter] - 2k SOLD
Ornate Scythe [15 ench, Cruel, +30] - 3k

Caster Wands, Foci, Staves

Wenslauss' Faith (Green, Divine Favor) - 1k SOLD
Holy Rod (Divine Favor) [Memory] - 2k SOLD
Holy Staff (Divine Favor) - 1k SOLD
Onyx Staff (Divine Favor) - 10k SOLD
Divine Symbol (Divine Favor) [Life for Today] - 2k SOLD
Protective Wand (Protection Prayers) [Seize the Day, Memory] - 3k SOLD
Protective Wand (Protection Prayers) [Memory] - 2k SOLD
Protective Staff (Protection Prayers) - 1k SOLD
Smiting Rod (Smiting Prayers) [Seize the Day, Memory] A - 3k SOLD
Smiting Rod (Smiting Prayers) [Seize the Day, Memory] B - 3k SOLD
Smiting Rod (Smiting Prayers) [Memory] - 2k SOLD
Hallowed Idol (Smiting Prayers) [Aptitude] - 2k SOLD
Crimson Claw Scepter (Soul Reaping) [Memory] - 2k
Cane (Domination Magic) [Memory] - 2k PENDING to Wailim
Platinum Wand (Energy Storage) [Quickening] - 2k
Earth Staff (Orrian/Obsidian skin) - 10k SOLD
Air Wand [Aptitude not Attitude, Memory] - 3k SOLD
Harmonic Rod (Communing) [Memory] - 2k


Fill up your HoM in style, or cheap! All minipets are undedicated.

Asura - 80k
Celestial Ox - 60k SOLD
Varesh - 50k SOLD
Pig (NOT Celestial) - 10k SOLD
Kirin - 3k
Palawa Joko - 5k
Elf - 5k

White Pack, includes the following: - 15kHydra Seige Turtle x2 Wind Rider Juggernaut Heket Warrior Fungal Wallow x2 Fire Imp Aatxe Harpy Ranger Thorn Wolf Mursaat Temple Guardian

Cons and Gear

All items except for the candy are B/O only.

Elite Monk Tome - 7k SOLD
133 Eggnog - 9k (67g/each) SOLD
86 Candy Apples - SOLD
44 Candy Corn - SOLD


All items are B/O only, but some discounts apply!Buy 15 or more items from this section - 20% discount Buy 10-14 items from this section - 15% discount Buy 5-9 items from this section - 10% discount
Seize the Day - 1k
Aptitude not Attitude A - 5k SOLD
Aptitude not Attitude B - 5k SOLD
Aptitude not Attitude C - 5k SOLD
Aptitude not Attitude D - 5k SOLD
Aptitude not Attitude E - 5k SOLD
Adept Staff Head A - 4k
Adept Staff Head B - 4k SOLD
Adept Staff Head C - 4k SOLD
Adept Staff Head D - 4k SOLD
Adept Staff Head E - 4k SOLD
Adept Staff Head F - 4k SOLD
Adept Staff Head G - 4k SOLD
Insightful Staff Head A - 1k
Insightful Staff Head B - 1k
Insightful Staff Head C - 1k
Insightful Staff Head D - 1k
Insightful Staff Head E - 1k
Insightful Staff Head F - 1k SOLD
Insightful Staff Head G - 1k SOLD
Staff Wrapping of Enchanting A - 4k
Staff Wrapping of Enchanting B - 4k
Staff Wrapping of Enchanting C - 4k
Staff Wrapping of Enchanting D - 4k
Staff Attribute Wrappings Oldschool Pack: - 5k SOLDDivine Favor x3 Healing Prayers x2 Protection Prayers Domination Magic Restoration Magic Earth Magic Vampiric Sword Hilt - 1k
Sword Pommel of Enchanting - 3k
Furious Axe Haft - 1k
Axe Grip of Enchanting - 1k
Sundering Dagger Tang A - 1k
Sundering Dagger Tang B - 1k
Dagger Handle of Fortitude A - 2k
Dagger Handle of Fortitude B - 2k
Wand Wrapping of Memory A - 1.5k
Wand Wrapping of Memory B - 1.5k
Wand Wrapping of Memory C - 1.5k
Measure for Measure Pack, Includes 11 - 4k

Thanks for looking! Remember to leave your in-game name with your post, as well as the best way to reach you (PM, in-game, email, etc)

Frozen Ele

Frozen Ele

Jungle Guide

Join Date: Jul 2009

Mirror of Reason [SNOW]


s/b water shadow staff



Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Apr 2008



Eternal Bow [non-insc, +5e, Crippling] - 35k

Aptitude not Attitude A - 5k
Aptitude not Attitude B - 5k
Aptitude not Attitude C - 5k
Aptitude not Attitude D - 5k

Staff Attribute Wrappings Oldschool Pack: - 5k

IGN: Godly Was Neukku


Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: May 2009

The Guardians of flame


I'm looking to buy an insc Ghostly stave (spawning)

IGN: Shana Li


Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Mar 2008


Golden Phoenix Blade [Defense] - 15k

IGN: Tomm Windwalker


Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Jun 2006



Earth Staff (Orrian/Obsidian skin) - 10k

IGN: Dying Anthem

Edit: Best way to reach me is via in-game.



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Sep 2009

GMT +2

Celestial Staves -> Water Magic s/b 30k
Celestial Daggers [15^50, Zealous, +30] - 20k

IGN Gnar Polerid

Nice collection

Edit: do the non-insc celestial daggers have an inherent inscription?


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: May 2010

Sound of Awesomeness [SoA]


Long Sword 2k
Sephis Sword 4k
Jade Sword 10k
IGN: Enkindler Blades



Desert Nomad

Join Date: Dec 2005



20k on your Insc Energy storage Ghostly staff

Shadetz X

Krytan Explorer

Join Date: May 2007



SB on all the remaining Celestial Staves
SB on Communing [20/10] Ghostly Staff

ign shadetz x

Ariena Najea

Ariena Najea

Silence and Motion

Join Date: Jul 2006

Buffalo NY

New Horizon [NH]

Bumping to the top!

Staves that have a good bid will end Friday, otherwise, everything goes on Monday as low as its S/B.



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Jul 2008




Can i reserve the unded asura please ^^? IGN: Use Loreal (i'm in GMT so might take a while to meet in game)

Best way to contact me is through PM on here ;D!

Thanks ! very quick delivery


Academy Page

Join Date: Jul 2006


Razorclaw Scythe [15^50, Shelter] - 2k

IGN: Divinity Derived

Ariena Najea

Ariena Najea

Silence and Motion

Join Date: Jul 2006

Buffalo NY

New Horizon [NH]

Bumping to the top!

Dag Z


Join Date: Jan 2009


WTB q8 Oni Daggers ( PM inherit + price )


Celestial ~ Water Magic [20/10]


Ghostly ~ Water Magic [20/10]


Celestial ~ Illusion Magic [20/10]


Zodiac ~ Illusion Magic [20/10]


Shadow Staff ~ Fire Magic [20/10]


Butterfly Knives [Vampiric, Shelter] - 2k
Bronze Daggers [15^50, Shocking] - 2k
Dirks [15^50, Zealous, +30 - 3k
Dirks [15^50, Defense] - 2k
Korambits [15^50, Shelter] - 2k
Stilletos [15^50, Furious, Shelter] - 2k
Stilletos [15^50, Icy, Warding] - 2k
Savage [15^50, Shocking] - 2k

-Interested in most of these, will have to see in-game to clarify.


Onyx Staff (Divine Favor) - 10k
(if q9) - maybe


IGN: Dag Z / Healing Hugz / Subjugating Zero.
Thanks man!


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Feb 2006

Brisbane, Australia

Herald of the Storm [HTS]


Protective Wand (Protection Prayers) [Memory] - 2k
Ghostly Staff (Inspiration Magic [insc]) - 10k
Cane (Domination Magic) [Memory] - 2k

IGN: Little Miss Face / New Face ii



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Sep 2009

GMT +2

Celestial Staves -> Water Magic 50k
Celestial Longbow [non-insc, +15 enchanted] - 2k
Shortbow [Icy] - 2k

IGN Gnar Polerid



Forge Runner

Join Date: Feb 2007

Las Vegas

Enraged Whiny Carebears [oR]


50k on illusion celestial staff, 40k on channeling celestial staff

IGN Nostro Dahmus



Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Nov 2005


Guardian Spear (r12 Spear Mastery) [15^50, +30]
Banded Spear [+5e, 20% enchanting]

IGN : Uzi Mesmer



Academy Page

Join Date: Apr 2009


China Restaurant Ong Bak [CROB]


b/o Ghostly staff Energy Storage Inscriptable

ign: megami na majutsu

Ariena Najea

Ariena Najea

Silence and Motion

Join Date: Jul 2006

Buffalo NY

New Horizon [NH]

Final Bump!

ALL staves with bids are now PENDING/SOLD to their respective bidders. Sale will continue for the last few items for 24 more hours. For the remaining staves, the S/B listed is the new B/O.