Axes For Sale, Get 'em While They're Sharp



Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Apr 2007

Cheshire, UK

Luxon Elite Kurzick Killerz [LEKK]


Hey peeps, got 3 axes here that will go to the highest bidder!

Old School Vampiric Archaic Axe of Shelter (perfect)
req 9
15 vs hexed foes

s/b 12k
c/o ???
b/o 18k

Perfect Furious Serpentine Reaver of Fortitude
req 10
15^50 (inscribable)

s/b 18k
c/o ???
b/o 26k

Perfect Fiery Blade Axe of Shelter
req 10
15 while enchanted (inscribable)

s/b 8k
c/o ???
b/o 15k

I will warn you when I will be closing bids, or if someone b/o.

Thanks for showing a faint interest

Opulentus Magus

Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Jul 2008

B/o for Serpentine reaver