I have a few perfect mods lying around that I´m willing to sell, you can offer on those items here or ingame. (Oh Mighty Monk) On this place I really should put all those fancy stuffs people have in their thread, like "I reserve the right to sell in-game", "I reserve the right to not sell at all", but I'd rather not. Prices are listed each.
Sword Pommel of Enchanting - 4k
Hammer Grip of Fortitude x3 - 3k
Fiery Bowstring - 1k
Sundering Bowstring x3 - 1k
Zealous Bowstring x2 - 1k
Shield Handle of Fortitude - 5k
Axe Grip of Fortitude - 3k
Zealous Dagger Tang - 4k
Cruel Dagger Tang - 1k
Furious Dagger Tang - 1k
Poisonous Dagger Tang - 1k
Defensive Staff Head - 1k
Insighfull Staff Head - 2k
Hale Staff Head - 2k
Staff Wrapping of Dragonslaying - No idea what it's worth, supposed to be quite much. Offer on this one =]
Sheltered by Faith - 3k
Master of My Domain - 1k
Riders on the Storm - 3k
Live for Today - 1k
I have the power - 2k
Strength and Honor x4 - 2k
Don't Fear the Reaper - 1k
Vengeance is Mine - 1k
Don't Think Twice - 1k
And that was the short list I own, please offer on it

Still trying to contact Kaiko, but he doesnt respond.