Toad's Best Offer Sale - Mini's - Consumables - Rares - Greens - Req 9's & More
Tinker Toad's Best Offer Sale - Mini's - Consumables - Rares - Greens - Req 9's & more
This is a Best Offer sale. Don't ask how much I am asking... just give me fair offer and if I like it I will take it.
Event Items
Wintergreen Candy Canes - stack [5]
4 Leaf Clovers - stack [6]
Rainbow Candy Canes - stack [1]
Peppermint Candy Canes- stack [1]
Chocolate Bunnies - stack [SOLD]
Golden Eggs - stack [8]
Peppermint Candy Canes [115]
Creme Brulees [SOLD]
Sugary Blue Drinks [SOLD]
Red Bean Cakes [SOLD]
Fruitcakes [SOLD]
BottleRockets [84]
Sparklers [65]
Lunar Tokens [130]
Crates of Fireworks [45]
Jars of Honey [SOLD]
Champagne Poppers [72]
Rice Wine [4]
Shinobi Blade - R9 Inscribable [+5 Energy - 20% Enchant] [SOLD]
Sunqua Blade - R9 - Non Inscrbable [+5 Energy - 20% Enchant]
Shadow Blade - R9 - Non Inscrbable [+5 Energy - 20% Enchant]
Ascalon Razor - Inscribable [15^50 - 10% Adren]
Runic Blade - R10 - Inscrbiable
Chaos Axe - R9 - Non Inscribable - [15% Stance - 10% Adren - +30 Health]
Fiery Blade Axe - R9 - Inscribale - [+5 Energy - +30 Health
Prince rurik - Undedicated
Shiro - Undedicated
Palawa Joko - Undedicated
Hecket Warrior - Undedicated [2]
Burning Titan - Undedicated
Jora - Undedicated
Kirin - Undedicated
Necrid Horseman - Undedicated [2]
Quetzal Sly - Undedicated
Irukandji - Undedicated
Siege Turtle - Undedicated
Cave Spider - Undedicated
Junglr Troll - Undedicated
Mursaat - Undedicated
Thorn Wolve - Undedicated
Mandragor Imp - Undedicated
Jade Armor - Undedicated
Terrorweb Dryder - Undedicated
Juggernaut - Undedicated
Monumental Tapestries [20]
This is a Best Offer sale. Don't ask how much I am asking... just give me fair offer and if I like it I will take it.
Event Items
Wintergreen Candy Canes - stack [5]
4 Leaf Clovers - stack [6]
Rainbow Candy Canes - stack [1]
Peppermint Candy Canes- stack [1]
Chocolate Bunnies - stack [SOLD]
Golden Eggs - stack [8]
Peppermint Candy Canes [115]
Creme Brulees [SOLD]
Sugary Blue Drinks [SOLD]
Red Bean Cakes [SOLD]
Fruitcakes [SOLD]
BottleRockets [84]
Sparklers [65]
Lunar Tokens [130]
Crates of Fireworks [45]
Jars of Honey [SOLD]
Champagne Poppers [72]
Rice Wine [4]
Shinobi Blade - R9 Inscribable [+5 Energy - 20% Enchant] [SOLD]
Sunqua Blade - R9 - Non Inscrbable [+5 Energy - 20% Enchant]
Shadow Blade - R9 - Non Inscrbable [+5 Energy - 20% Enchant]
Ascalon Razor - Inscribable [15^50 - 10% Adren]
Runic Blade - R10 - Inscrbiable
Chaos Axe - R9 - Non Inscribable - [15% Stance - 10% Adren - +30 Health]
Fiery Blade Axe - R9 - Inscribale - [+5 Energy - +30 Health
Prince rurik - Undedicated
Shiro - Undedicated
Palawa Joko - Undedicated
Hecket Warrior - Undedicated [2]
Burning Titan - Undedicated
Jora - Undedicated
Kirin - Undedicated
Necrid Horseman - Undedicated [2]
Quetzal Sly - Undedicated
Irukandji - Undedicated
Siege Turtle - Undedicated
Cave Spider - Undedicated
Junglr Troll - Undedicated
Mursaat - Undedicated
Thorn Wolve - Undedicated
Mandragor Imp - Undedicated
Jade Armor - Undedicated
Terrorweb Dryder - Undedicated
Juggernaut - Undedicated
Monumental Tapestries [20]
Ariena Najea
50k on Rainbow Candy Canes - stack [1]
IGN Ariena Najea
IGN Ariena Najea
(withdrawn, sorry, already got them in-game)
Steel Longshot
Hey I really want all the lunar tokens PM me in game and see what we can work out.
EDITED by LicensedLuny for the following Guidelines Violation: NON BID Post a bid or do not post. Advice, questions and comments should be done via private message, ingame whispers, or email. Any post that does not contain a legitimate bid is considered to be a non-bid post (This includes posts requesting the seller to contact you in game or by PM to negotiate unspecified buyouts - You can PM such requests to the buyer instead. Private offers do not require public posts.) In short: post your bid, your IGN and contact information and nothing else or you risk a ban Please read the Ventari's Corner Guidelines to avoid any further violations. These rules ensure everyone has a fair chance at having a thread on the first few pages.
EDITED by LicensedLuny for the following Guidelines Violation: NON BID Post a bid or do not post. Advice, questions and comments should be done via private message, ingame whispers, or email. Any post that does not contain a legitimate bid is considered to be a non-bid post (This includes posts requesting the seller to contact you in game or by PM to negotiate unspecified buyouts - You can PM such requests to the buyer instead. Private offers do not require public posts.) In short: post your bid, your IGN and contact information and nothing else or you risk a ban Please read the Ventari's Corner Guidelines to avoid any further violations. These rules ensure everyone has a fair chance at having a thread on the first few pages.
I'll take all sugary blue drinks for 15k.
PM: Shinji Makai
PM: Shinji Makai
Bought in-game, thanks anyway
EDIt Retracted, bought in game, sorry
Devil Luca
Retract found in game....
Devil Luca
Devil Luca
nigro marcia
Chocolate Bunnies - stack [2]
50k each stack
IGN Nigro Marcia
50k each stack
IGN Nigro Marcia
Retract offer ...
Bumpity bump bump
Retract sry, found IG for 10k.
Unded Jora @ 40k
IGN: Miss Supervillain
EDIT: Typo :P
IGN: Miss Supervillain
EDIT: Typo :P
50k on shinobi blade :]
IGN: Crazy Amish
IGN: Crazy Amish
Retract offer ...
Bumpity bump...
Contact me in game for immediate pickups....
ign --> Tippy Toad
Contact me in game for immediate pickups....
ign --> Tippy Toad
110g/pt all party points (crates, poppers, blah blah)
IGN: The Rabbit Warrior
IGN: The Rabbit Warrior