THIS is the latest one. My old one, well, seems I forgot to post in a month, and it was closed. Damn! Oh well, I needed a new one to get rid of the posts that were going nowhere that people wouldn't delete.
Name your own prices unless otherwise stated. I'll list if a sale is a go or not here, but give a little time so others can peak in too. I'll PM you here or in game to trade. Try to provide me with a name or timezone, that way I won't spend forever trying to find you. Thanks!
After you've bought something, delete your post here, that way I can keep the place clean! It only takes a couple seconds and would be really appreciated.
nigro marcia - last time I sold to you, you didn't delete your post from my thread which annoys me since it takes seconds and I even asked. So forget it, I'm not selling you anything.
Elementalist (1)
Mesmer (46)
Summoning Stones
Demonic (1)
Frosty (1)
Mischievous (1)
Mystical (1)
Mysterious (10)
Runes (price per 1 is (merch buying price + selling price) / 2)
Vitae (4)
Attunement (3)
Shamrock Ale (2)
Bottle of Rice Wine (1)
Eggnog (4)
Spiked Eggnog (11)
Hunter Ale (40)
Aged Hunter's Ale (30)
Keg of Aged Hunter's Ale (50 uses left)
Keg of Aged Hunter's Ale (45 uses left)
Flash of Firewater (14)
Festive Items
Scroll to Urgoz's Warren (69)
Scroll to the Deep (76)
Scroll of Hero's Insight [200xp for 10 minutes] (1)
"Show me the money" (1)
"Too Much Information" [damage +14% vs hexed foes] (1)
Keys (price per 1)
Ascalonian (1) 35g
Forbidden (1) 480g
Istani (1) 50g
Krytan (1) 145g
Kurzick (1) 480g
Luxon (1) 480g
Maguuma (1) 225g
GOLD- Scarabshell Aegis of Devotion q10 Motivation (Heath +44 while enchanted / Inscription: measure for measure [highly salvagable])
GOLD- Furious Dead Sword of Swordsmanship q13 Swordsmanship (Slashing damage 15-22 / Double adrenaline gain 9% / Swordsmanship +1, 19% chance while using skills / Inscription: Brawn Over Brains [damage +15%, energy - 5])
BLUE - Cruel Jade Axe of Fortitude q9 Axe Mastery (Slashing Damage 5-25 / Lenghtens deep wound on foes by 33% stacking / Health +20)
Refer's Sell Stash
nigro marcia
Demonic (1)
Frosty (1)
Mischievous (1)
Mystical (1)
Mysterious (10)
IGN Nigro Marcia
Frosty (1)
Mischievous (1)
Mystical (1)
Mysterious (10)
IGN Nigro Marcia