Fireball´s High end sale: oldschool shields, q8 15^50 swords more tba
Red Fireball
-> closed by seller <-
will open new thread soon
will open new thread soon
S/B on White Reaver #0
IGN: Godly Was Neukku
IGN: Godly Was Neukku
Dag Z
Sb on the gothic and echovald. Please PM the b/o
Red Fireball
first bump, ty for all s/b´s
Red Fireball
second bump, I´ll try to whisp dag ingame
Red Fireball
ok, here´s the third bump, gogo
Marvin the Martian
R/b on #2.
In-game name: Alyss In Wonderland
In-game name: Alyss In Wonderland
Red Fireball
fourth bump, gogo!
Red Fireball
fifth bump, removed my shield collection, cause I restarted collecting^^
Red Fireball
sixth bump, gave the FDS to Marvin, t4t
100k+5 on white reaver #0
IGN~farmer fez
IGN~farmer fez
Red Fireball
seventh bump here
r/b on the shadow blade
IGN : Kurtyn Xypho
IGN : Kurtyn Xypho
Red Fireball
ty for r/b, will sell in less than 2 days, if no higher bids will be posted.
8th bump...
8th bump...
Red Fireball
9th bump, added PvP shield 15/7, 10 hours left for shadow blade
Red Fireball
10 bump, gogo, sold the shadow blade
Red Fireball
another bump #11